Prostate Conditions Education Council works to stop the delayed diagnosis of prostate cancer due to COVID-19 by offering free screenings
DENVER, Sept. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, but it is easily treated when caught early - the problem is that too often it is not. Recent studies state that an estimated 23,000 men may experience delayed diagnosis of the disease due to fewer doctor visits and reduced testing. That is why the Prostate Conditions Education Council (PCEC) – a national organization committed to men’s health and a leader in prostate cancer screening – is providing free prostate cancer testing to men across the country. Committed to encouraging men to take a more proactive role in protecting their health, PCEC has coordinated free screening programs for over 30 years and recommends that men should have a baseline screening at age 40 and then work with their physicians to determine what the appropriate interval is for repeat testing. Additionally, PCEC has aligned with at-home digital screening provider imaware™ to promote testing so that men can take assess their prostate cancer risk. “Our commitment to prostate health education and providing free prostate cancer screening has been steadfast for 30 years. This year, with the pandemic, we have had to take a completely new and innovative approach to providing services to men, but we will not rest or step aside while the need to provide early detection greater than it has been in many years,” said Wendy Poage, President of PCEC. “imaware™ is committed to offering fast and accurate home-based screenings to help men stop the progression of prostate cancer and take control of their health,” said imaware™ Cofounder Jani Tuomi. “We are donating tests to the PCEC in hopes that more men will be able to proactively assess their personal risk.” Men and their families can find information on free educational programming and sign up for the free prostate cancer screening by visiting or calling 866-4PROST8. PCEC’s new program allows for men to gain access to a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test by visiting a national network for laboratories for the simple blood test and those who are unable to visit a laboratory or have extenuating circumstances, a limited supply of in home finger prick test, donated from imaware™, are available. The free testing program will take place during September - for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and will continue throughout the fall season until the resources for the program are depleted. “What many men do not realize is that an early diagnosis of prostate cancer provides men with the most treatment options and the greatest chance for survival. We are dedicated to providing tests to as many men as possible and expect nearly 5,000 men to participate in the new testing system and many more to participate in the live programs that are occurring in some markets,” stated Renee Savickas, Vice President and Director of Early Detection and Awareness Programs at PCEC. Men are encouraged to contact PCEC at or 1-866-4PROST8 as supplies and quantities are limited. About the Prostate Conditions Education Council About imaware™
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