| NEW YORK, /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area. You can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network – it’s easy and free. Just fill out the query form to get started: http://prn.to/queryform EXPERT ALERTS - Can Horror Films Cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
- 11/7 Stress Awareness Day: 5 Tips for Reducing Stress
- AiA – Awareness, Intention, Action
- The Practice of Self-Compassion
- WTF – What the For
- Healing Us vs. Them
- Exploring the Promise of Medical Spiritual Healing
- Money Lessons for Teens: WIIFM (What’s In It for Me?)
MEDIA JOBS - Senior Publishing Editor – Dow Jones (NY)
- Food Critic / Editor – Newsday (NY)
- Senior Content Editor – uSwitch (London)
OTHER NEWS & RESOURCES - Looking for Tech News? These 8 News Sites Will Keep You Updated.
- 9 Tools For Election Reporting That Get Our Vote
- Blog Profiles: Paranormal Investigation Blogs
EXPERT ALERTS Can Horror Films Cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Dr. John Huber Chairman Mainstream Mental Health “The intended purpose of a horror film is to scare the audience and keep them on the edge of their toes. However, everyone processes external stimuli differently and some viewers may be traumatized watching these films especially if they are children. Children are still developing their brains and can be in a place where the lines between imagination and reality are blurred. When a child witnesses graphic gore or murder in a horror film, they can experience trauma that could affect them for the rest of their lives. For individuals who are survivors of assault, sexual abuse or attempted murder, certain horror films may easily trigger them and further intensify their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals. He has appeared on over three hundred top tier radio shows (NBC Radio, CBS, Fox News Radio) and thirty national television programs (ABC, NBC, Spectrum News). In addition, Dr. Huber is the host of “Mainstream Mental Health Radio” which is heard nationwide and features interviews with today’s top mental health professionals. Website: www.mainstreammentalhealth.org Contact: Ryan McCormick, ryan@goldmanmccormick.com 11/7 Stress Awareness Day: 5 Tips for Reducing Stress Holistic Physician and Author Dr. Bradley Nelson “1) Strive for a state of acceptance and understanding of others, despite their negative behavior or difficult nature. If there’s someone who has hurt you or wronged you in some way, and you haven’t forgiven them, your stress level will inevitably be greater than it should. The higher path of the spirit is to be at peace with the universe and with all our fellow beings. None of us are perfect and we all have reasons for acting the way we do. Learn to let things go and be generous and kind. 2) Don’t forget to go easy on yourself too! How many times have you chastised yourself for making a poor decision, lashing out at others, being clumsy, or running late for a meeting? Most mistakes we make won’t affect us in the long run. In fact, by recognizing the value in our own folly, we can learn some of life’s most valuable lessons! 3) Choose Positive Emotions: You are the pilot of your own course in life, and you can choose to make intelligent and balanced decisions. When you find yourself automatically being guided toward the emotion of anger, for example, wait a few seconds and ask yourself if it would better serve you to change course. The ability to choose more positive emotions is something all of us have, but it’s like a muscle that needs regular exercise in order to serve us best. When you focus on flexing this muscle, you will learn to become more patient and your emotions will enhance your life instead of controlling it. This can also help you maintain healthy boundaries with yourself and others. 4) Make only the commitments you know you can keep without stressing yourself out. Learn how to say no when you’re uncomfortable. Respect your time, energy, and resources. Take care of your physical needs by getting enough rest and proper fuel. 5) Release Emotional Baggage: People can free themselves of a major underlying cause of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, and other forms of mental illness by learning to release trapped emotions. This can lower your stress level by quickly getting clear to the underlying causes of negative emotional choices and nagging, negative thoughts.” Dr. Nelson is a holistic Chiropractic Physician, a Medical Intuitive, and one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. He has written a bestselling book “The Emotion Code,” and has trained thousands of practitioners worldwide to help people overcome unresolved anger, depression, anxiety, loneliness and other negative emotions and the physical symptoms associated with them. Online Press Kit: http://drbradleynelson.onlinepresskit247.com Websites: www.DrBradleyNelson.com and www.EmotionCodeGift.com Contact: Jennifer Thomas, jennifer.wasabi10@gmail.com AiA – Awareness, Intention, Action John Assaraf CEO NeuroGym “Awareness: In a calm, relaxed frame of mind (as you gently breathe in and out), be aware of your physiology, your mental and emotional state, and the behavior you are engaged in. Intention: Ask yourself ‘What is my intention for this moment?’ Is it to be angry? Sad? Mad or frustrated? Or to be calm and respond, instead of reacting? Action: Once you choose your intention, take one small, simple action step toward achieving your goal.” Assaraf is a serial entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of NeuroGym. He is the author of two New York Times best-selling books: “Having It All” and “The Answer.” His brand-new book is called “Innercise: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power” (Waterside Press, 2018). John has made frequent appearances on Larry King Live and has been featured in eight films, including the blockbuster smash hit “The Secret” and “Quest for Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama. He is one of the leading behavioral and mindset experts in the world, with a unique ability to help people release the mental and emotional obstacles that prevent them from achieving their very best in life and business. Online Press Kit: http://johnassaraf.onlinepresskit247.com Website: www.MyNeuroGym.com Contact: Michelle Tennant, Michelle@WasabiPublicity.com The Practice of Self-Compassion Dr. Tracy Uloma Cooper Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, author, founder Uloma Foundation “Ask yourself, ‘How can I make myself feel better about this situation? How may I look at this present challenge with more compassion towards myself?’ With patience, the answers will appear.” Dr. Cooper is an expert and go-to resource for personal empowerment and happiness. With a Ph.D. in clinical psychology specializing in integrative therapy, she feels inspired to offer books, speaking engagements, classes, integrative therapy and coaching to empower individuals to author their own passionate, beautiful life. Tracy is the founder and CEO of the Uloma Foundation — a nonprofit dedicated to vulnerable populations — and author of several books, including the women’s healing and empowerment guide “Inspired to Greatness: A Feminine Approach to Healing the World” and the children’s book series, “Sophie Star Child.” Online Press Kit: https://tracyulomacooper.onlinepresskit247.com Website: https://www.ulomafoundation.org Contact: Michelle Tennant, Michelle@WasabiPublicity.com WTF – What the For Susan Goudy Empowerment Advisor, MSW Susan Goudy “Change the way you think about what you experience in life by redefining WTF as ‘What the For.’ It’s a very effective and fun way to remember that everything in life happens FOR you, not TO you.” Author, motivational speaker, and empowerment advisor Susan Goudy, MSW, helps people discover what is holding them back and keeping them in a place of fear, and how to move past it — for good. A survivor of childhood sexual assault, she knows firsthand that living in the shadow of your past can cause you to forget that you have the power to take charge of your life. She teaches clients that no matter what may or may not lie in their own past, they can become more awake, aware, clear, and empowered. Online Press Kit: https://susangoudy.onlinepresskit247.com Website: http://www.susangoudy.com Contact: Michelle Tennant, Michelle@WasabiPublicity.com Healing Us vs. Them Lynne McTaggart International bestselling author Lynne McTaggart “Activity of the vagus nerve helped to remove a boundary of separation, causing the students to focus more on similarities rather than differences. Even students identifying themselves as Democrats suddenly recognized the similarities between themselves and Republicans. Instead of identifying with the people most like us, when the vagus nerve is fired, we are prompted to feel closer to ‘the other.’” Lynne McTaggart is one of the central voices in the new consciousness movement. She is the award-winning author of seven books including worldwide bestsellers, “The Field,” “The Intention Experiment,” “The Bond” and her latest, “The Power of Eight,” now available in paperback. She also serves as Editorial Director of What Doctors Don’t Tell You, one of the world’s most highly praised health publications. Online Press Kit: http://lynnemctaggart.onlinepresskit247.com Websites: www.LynneMcTaggart.com and www.WDDTY.com Contact: Michelle Tennant, michelle@wasabipublicity.com Exploring the Promise of Medical Spiritual Healing Dr. Robert Ibrahim Jaffe Physician, Sufi Master Healer, Spiritual Guide Dr. Robert Ibrahim Jaffe “Medical spiritual healing is a process of transformation that is easy to learn, fulfilling to apply, and can bring immediate results and lessen the symptoms of many illnesses.” Dr. Jaffe is a physician and Sufi Master Healer and Spiritual Guide pioneering the integration of western medicine and spiritual healing with Medical Spiritual Healing (MSH). As chancellor of the University of Medical Spiritual Healing, he is working to bring spiritual healing to the medical world, training other medical professionals so they can use these skills to complement their practices. Online Press Kit: https://drrobertibrahimjaffe.onlinepresskit247.com Website: https://www.drjaffemd.com Contact: Michelle Tennant, Michelle@WasabiPublicity.com Money Lessons for Teens: WIIFM (What’s In It for Me?) Pamela Yellen President Bank On Yourself “Teens aren’t interested in learning about money to become ‘financially responsible adults.’ They’re interested in gaining more autonomy and more freedom. Teens are starting to decide who they want to be and how they want to live. They want to be independent and stand on their own two feet. If you connect becoming financially savvy with becoming more independent, they’ll be extremely motivated to learn.” Yellen is a financial investigator and the author of two New York Times best-selling books, including her latest, “THE BANK ON YOURSELF REVOLUTION: Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street, and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future.” She investigated more than 450 financial strategies seeking an alternative to the risk and volatility of stocks and other investments, which led her to a time-tested, predictable method of growing wealth now used by more than 500,000 Americans. Online Press Kit: http://pamelayellen.onlinepresskit247.com Website: https://www.bankonyourself.com Contact: Jennifer Thomas, jennifer.wasabi10@gmail.com MEDIA JOBS Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board: https://prnmedia.prnewswire.com/community/jobs/ - Senior Publishing Editor – Dow Jones (NY)
- Food Critic / Editor – Newsday (NY)
- Senior Content Editor – uSwitch (London)
OTHER NEWS & RESOURCES Following are links to other news and resources we think you might find useful. If you have an item you think other reporters would be interested in and would like us to include in a future alert, please drop us a line at profnetalerts@prnewswire.com - LOOKING FOR TECH NEWS? THESE 8 NEWS SITES WILL KEEP YOU UPDATED. Each month we highlight a select number of news sites under a timely category. Here are some of our favorites for technology news (and beyond): https://prn.to/technewssites
- 9 TOOLS FOR ELECTION REPORTING THAT GET OUR VOTE. Nov. 6 is quickly approaching. If you’re reporting on the midterm elections, these tools can help: https://prn.to/electionreportingtools
- BLOG PROFILES: PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION BLOGS. Each week, we select a topic and handful of blogs that do a great job contributing to the conversation. This week, we look at Paranormal Investigation blogs: https://prn.to/paranormalblogs
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