ProfNet Experts Available on Doctor Diversity, Overcoming Panic, India Travel, More

Also in This Edition: Jobs for Writers, Media Industry News

NEW YORK, June 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area.

You can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network - it’s easy and free. Just fill out the query form to get started:


  • Using Tech Innovation to Increase Doctor Diversity and Tackle the Healthcare Worker Shortage
  • The Key to Overcoming Panic: Do One Thing
  • Recalibrating Your Inner Compass
  • Traveling to Mumbai, a City With Heart and Energy
  • Why Wait for Someday to Be Happy?
  • Preserving Centuries-Old Art and Architecture


  • Deputy Editor - (NY)
  • Director of Content, Health Care - SmartBrief (DC)
  • Journalist, Medical Technology - BioWorld MedTech (Virtual)


  • 10 Influencers Who Advance the LGBTQ Story
  • Planning Ahead: What to Expect in the Next 12 Months in Sports
  • Blog Profiles: Breakfast Blogs



Using Tech Innovation to Increase Doctor Diversity and Tackle the Healthcare Worker Shortage
Dr. David Lenihan
Tiber Health
Dr. Lenihan is available to discuss how technology innovation can remedy the lack of diversity among American doctors and the shortage of healthcare professionals around the world. He was quoted in TechCrunch last year as saying: “The human body is the same everywhere, yet there is a dramatic shortage of healthcare professionals in the places we need them most. Talent is not restricted to certain geographies, so innovative approaches must be employed to find and educate health professionals around the world.”
Based in St. Louis, Mo., Dr. Lenihan is the co-founder of Tiber Health and the CEO of Ponce Health Sciences University in Ponce, Puerto Rico. His mission is focused on innovating medical school education using a tech-driven approach; increasing racial diversity among doctors in the U.S.; and solving the global physician shortage. For more on Dr. Lenihan, please see his Contently page (link below), which features multimedia entries about his work, articles in TechCrunch, quotes in U.S. News & World Report, an interview on WCBS radio (NYC), and a TEDx video.
Contact: Rafe Gomez,

The Key to Overcoming Panic: Do One Thing
Donna Lipman
Author, Life Strategist
Beyond Resistance
“Panic-stricken hysteria only serves to keep us focused on what’s wrong, allowing neither progress nor positive change. The key is turning panic into action. Instead of suffering with our ‘hair on fire,’ we can mindfully determine which issues most concern us and take empowered action on them. Choose one issue, and do one thing. Then do something else -- one more thing. Before you know it, you’ll be making a difference - one that you couldn’t have made when you kept yourself stuck in a state of emotional upheaval. Overwhelm can be a great motivator, but it’s unsustainable and will slow us down and lessen our collective impact. Perhaps it behooves all of us to ignore the tweets and place our energy on getting involved at local, national, or international levels, wherever we can best make a difference.”
Lipman, a Ford Institute executive, master integrative coach, presentation skills trainer and author, brings together her commitment to The Resistance with her life coaching and presentation abilities to partner with Kathy Hertz in creating a guide to help navigate the stress of these chaotic political times. Their new book, “Beyond Resistance: Coping with the Stress of the Trump Era - An Essential Guide,” offers self-care solutions and action-oriented exercises to inspire everyone from political observers to advocates and activists.
Online Press Kit:
Contact: Jennifer Thomas,

Recalibrating Your Inner Compass
Julie Potiker
Author, Mindfulness Expert
Mindful Methods for Life
Potiker shares these tips for recalibrating your inner compass: “1) Drop Down: Allow yourself to drop down into the emotion and see what’s there, not judging it but simply observing it with curiosity. This is the heart of what mindfulness is all about. It takes practice, but pretty soon you will be able to tune in to your body and notice what’s happening inside you. 2) Self-Soothe: Evidence shows that putting your hand over your heart -- or wherever you most find it soothing -- taps into the body’s mammalian caregiver response and releases oxytocin and opiates in your brain to counteract cortisol, the stress hormone. Try different spots out on yourself and see what works best for you. 3) Practice Loving Kindness on Yourself: Ask yourself what you really need to hear right now. Do you need to be told you are loved? Safe? Healthy? Strong? Whatever you most need to hear right now, create a Loving Kindness phrase and repeat it as a mantra to yourself. You can do this in seated meditation, but you can also do it on a walk, in the car, at the office, in line at the DMV, or anywhere else you need to. Try this out next time you feel bad and see much it helps.”
Potiker is an attorney who began her serious study and investigation of mindfulness after graduating from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the University of California, San Diego. She was trained by Kristin Neff, Christopher Germer and UCSD as a Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher. She went on to study with Rick Hanson, becoming a graduate of his Positive Neuroplasticity Training Professional Course. Potiker also completed Brené Brown’s Living Brave Semester. Now, she shares these and other mindfulness techniques with the world through her Mindful Methods for Life trainings and her new book, “Life Falls Apart, But You Don’t Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos.” She holds a B.G.S. from the University of Michigan and a J.D. from George Washington University.
Online Press Kit:
Contact: Michelle Tennant,

Traveling to Mumbai, a City With Heart and Energy
Ajay Kaul
Author, “Mumbai Matinee”
Kaul, a world traveler who has been to all seven continents, is available to discuss travel to Mumbai: “What stands out about Mumbai is that it is perpetually open for business. People can look for opportunities and count on them. There is huge encouragement everywhere. The tenderness of humanity also abounds. On a train, men will stand to give children seating. In Mumbai, life gets shared. You are not alone.”
Kaul is the author of “Mumbai Matinee,” a truth-based fiction that acts as both memoir and travelogue. Reading Kaul’s stories will make your audience want to book a plane ticket to India.
Contact: Scott Lorenz,

Why Wait for Someday to Be Happy?
Josselyne Herman-Saccio
Performance Expert, Forum Leader
“You get to choose what your life is about. Most of us don’t spend a lot of time examining what we really want out of life. Instead, we spend time accomplishing what seems doable and just trying to get through the day. We end up missing out on the things we really want to experience, leaving them until ‘someday’ or ‘one day’ when they’ll be more convenient or when they’ll seem more attainable. Life is happening now, not someday.”
Herman-Saccio is a communication expert with Landmark, a personal and professional growth, training, and development company that’s had more than 2.4 million people use its programs to cause breakthroughs in their personal lives as well as in their communities, generating more than 100,000 community projects around the world. In The Landmark Forum, Landmark’s flagship program, people cause breakthroughs in their performance, communication, relationships, and overall satisfaction in life.
Online Press Kit:
Contact: Michelle Tennant,

Preserving Centuries-Old Art and Architecture
David Sheppe
Program Leader
American Friends for the Preservation of Saint Germain des Prés
“One of the things Americans love most about visiting Europe is the feeling of being transported back in time as they explore seemingly ancient architecture and history. Preserving the remarkable and diverse art and architecture from centuries ago allows future generations to continue benefiting from this uniquely transformative experience.”
Sheppe has enjoyed a long career in international banking and now works as a financial and risk management consultant. It was while living in Paris in the 1980s that he first took an interest in the church of Saint Germain des Prés, and he has been a frequent visitor ever since. From 2013 to 2016, he was once again a Paris resident, and it was then that he became acquainted with the work of the “Fonds de Dotation,” the Paris-based fundraising arm for renovating the church. Following his return to the U.S. in 2016, Sheppe did volunteer work for the US-based American Friends for the Preservation of Saint Germain des Prés, before joining its Board in 2017. He is now leading the charge on the current Adopt A Saint Germain Star Campaign in the United States. Sheppe is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Cornell University. He resides in southwest Connecticut.
Online Press Kit:
Contact: Michelle Tennant,



Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board:

  • Deputy Editor - (NY)
  • Director of Content, Health Care - SmartBrief (DC)
  • Journalist, Medical Technology - BioWorld MedTech (Virtual)



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