Philips Announces Findings of Patient Experience in Imaging Research

Royal Philips today announced the key findings of its research focused on the patient experience in diagnostic imaging procedures.

Research reinforced the importance of trust between patient and imaging staff to get the image right the first time

AMSTERDAM, Oct. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Royal Philips Electronics N.V., a global leader in health technology, today announced the key findings of its research focused on the patient experience in diagnostic imaging procedures. Philips’ Patient Experience in Imaging Study surveyed 603 patients in the U.S. and Germany about their satisfaction, expectations, preferences and unmet needs with diagnostic imaging procedures in the past year. Patients identified trust in the referring doctor, communication, comfort, safety and getting the image right the first time as key priorities. The research provides insight into how patients perceive imaging procedures, what they value during the process, and what healthcare professionals can do to create a more patient-centered imaging experience.

Stress can Impact Imaging Outcomes
The Patient Experience in Imaging Study focused on the premise that patient anxiety and discomfort throughout the diagnostic imaging process can significantly impact its outcome, ranging from stress-related movement that impedes high-value scans in MRI [1] to the physiological effects of stress on image acquisition in PET-CT [2]. Patients who feel comfortable and secure are less likely to engage in behaviors that compromise the quality of the imaging study, making it easier for staff to acquire high-quality images and for radiologists to accurately interpret them.

Communication, Comfort and Safety Key Priorities
Patients’ top priorities were to get through the scan as quickly as possible and to minimize exposure to harmful radiation and contrast agents. While most patient respondents expressed feelings of being well taken care of, respected and informed, many also cited feelings of nervousness, uncertainty and powerlessness during the process. Other highlights of Philips’ Patient Experience in Imaging Study that patients rated as important or very important include:

  • Communication – Patients expressed the desire to be well-informed throughout their imaging procedure. Timeliness of scheduling and communication of results were top concerns for patients with key areas being: minimal wait time to get procedure scheduled (61%); and minimal wait time to receive results (58%).
  • Safety and Comfort – Imaging patients sought safety and well-being throughout the imaging process and valued speed and comfort during the procedure itself. Patients wanted to complete the procedure quickly and efficiently and to obtain an effective scan with minimal dose.
  • Trust and Confidence – The need to trust their referring doctor and imaging staff to get the appropriate scan was preeminent among patients: 71% indicated that trust in their referring doctor was important or very important; and 67% wanted the “right image the first time” to reduce the need for repeat scans.

“Our unique patient-centric research highlights the critical significance of human factors in healthcare and further guides our innovation and vision across our portfolio of patient-centered imaging solutions,” said Kees Wesdorp, Business Leader for Diagnostic Imaging. “It’s clear that our ability to help improve patient safety through appropriate radiation dose management, reducing rescans and increasing comfort through ergonomically designed scan equipment, is very important to patients when they undergo imaging procedures. By better understanding patient needs, we can support our customers in achieving the Triple Aim and addressing the priorities of reducing cost, achieving a timely and confident diagnosis, and improving the patient experience by minimizing anxiety across the imaging ecosystem.”

The Patient Experience in Imaging Study was conducted in the summer of 2017 by Kantar TNS, in the Netherlands per order of Philips. The double-blind study assessed patient impressions across the imaging experience, from referral through diagnosis or follow up.

Download the Report
To download Philips’ Patient Experience in Imaging Study or to learn more about Philips Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Solutions, please visit:

For more information, please contact:
Alicia Cafardi
Philips Group Press Office
Tel: + 1 412-523-9616

About Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people’s health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and home care. Philips leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver integrated solutions. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring and health informatics, as well as in consumer health and home care. Philips’ health technology portfolio generated 2016 sales of EUR 17.4 billion and employs approximately 71,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at

[1] Andre, Jalal. Johanssan, Katarina. Relaxed patients, reduced motion, improved productivity. FieldStrength MRI Magazine.

[2] Intervention to lower anxiety of 18F-FDG PET/CT patients by use of audiovisual imagery during the uptake phase before imaging. J. Nucl. Med. Technol. 2012 40:92-98 published ahead of print May 8, 2012.

SOURCE Royal Philips

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