Orthopedics This Week is excited to announce the worldwide launch of the next generation 3D Virtual Convention platform for the Medical Industry: OTW Virtual Conventions.
ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, Fla., June 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Orthopedics This Week is excited to announce the worldwide launch of the next generation 3D Virtual Convention platform for the Medical Industry: OTW Virtual Conventions. Effective immediately, OTW Virtual Conventions is providing 3D virtual meeting services to physician societies, companies, and meeting organizers. In contrast to other virtual conventions, OTW Virtual Conventions is a unique technology web platform that employs realistic 3D renderings to deliver an impactful immersive experience. Its mission is to:
“Almost all meetings have shut down this year. To make matters worse, most physicians are highly reluctant to leave their practices at this critical time,” said Robin Young, CEO of RRY Publications LLC, “Every meeting organizer needs a virtual meeting solution to keep their meetings relevant and solvent.” Click Here to Register to Experience a LIVE Demo of Our New Reality The OTW Virtual Conventions technology platform is powered by Synthes'3D talented team of software engineers & CG artists. Led by its founder, Vivien Poujade, this team has accomplished the seemingly impossible task of creating a virtual meeting environment that educates, connects, and entertains. OTW Virtual Conventions gives conventions and physician societies a unique opportunity to reach thousands more virtual attendees that would not have the time or the desire to attend a brick-and-mortar convention. An Immersive Experience OTW Virtual Convention is a fully immersive virtual physician meeting experience which seamlessly integrates with Zoom or Vimeo style in-person lectures, break-out sessions, and workshops. Those conferences & lectures can be live or prerecorded. As experts in virtual marketing, a leader in Orthopedic Industry marketing and branding, MedTech Momentum understands the importance of staying current and relevant in an ever-changing digital environment. By facilitating next generation technologies MedTech Momentum has created a truly immersive marketing experience that is comparable to attending an in-person meeting. MedTech Momentum President Guillaume Viallaneix stated, “If meeting organizers want to keep and increase their physician audience, they must deliver an interactive EXPERIENCE that is not just about data, but also about the feel! Good scientific content is easily remembered if it is emotionally charged, part of a bigger story; this is what we are about.” Among the unique features of the OTW Virtual exhibit booth is a 1-click connection to a salesperson, full suite of product glamour shots, videos, clinical studies, and documentation. OTW Virtual Convention also found a way to incorporate traditional conference style pens, calendars, thumb drives and other knick knacks with exhibitor logos – in short, meeting swag. Larger, global, impactful meetings Because virtual meetings expand the geographic boundaries of in-person meetings and make participation affordable for all physicians and affiliated healthcare workers, they are often larger meetings. “We estimate,” said Robin Young, “that for every single in-person attendee, ten or twenty other affiliated surgeons, physicians or healthcare workers would like to participate but cannot due to budget or other constraints.” OTW Virtual Conventions are not designed to replace traditional events, on the contrary, they are designed to make them bigger and better. Affordability The OTW Virtual Convention is software, not buildings, airplanes, hotels or meals. It is affordable for all organizations and suppliers regardless of size. As structured, OTW Virtual Convention is a revenue generator for physician groups. Exhibiting companies find that OTW Virtual Convention is the ideal bolt-on to in-person booths. When budgets can’t accommodate the in-person meeting, OTW Virtual Convention is the ideal solution. Indeed, exhibitors who use OTW Virtual Convention can expect more physician engagement for less money. Master Class DEMO for OTW Virtual Conventions To experience the OTW Virtual Convention yourself, register for the Master Class Demonstration on Thursday, July 2nd, 2020 - 11am Eastern Time, 4pm Central European Time, 11:59pm Tokyo and 8am Pacific Time. Click here to register. For more information contact: April Bruffy April@ryortho.com About OTW Virtual Conventions For media inquiries, please contact: Robin Young
SOURCE MedTech Momentum |