New Warning Issued Against Mung Bean Sprouts In Canada

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency on Monday issued a new warning to consumers in Ontario and parts of Quebec against eating mung bean sprouts. People should avoid buying mung bean sprouts distributed by Toronto Sun Wah Trading Inc., also known as Hollend Enterprises, because they may be contaminated with salmonella, the agency said. About a month ago, at least 379 people had been confirmed with salmonella poisoning from contaminated bean sprouts. “We are working to remove the affected product from the marketplace,” CFIA food safety and recall officer Davendra Sharma told reporters. In an advisory, the agency said that the exact source of contamination has not been confirmed, but investigation is going on. Salmonella is most often associated with other foods such as contaminated meat or dairy products that have not been pasteurized. However, sprouts have also been known to carry the bacteria.