The Authority’s December 2018 Advisory highlights the risks to patients who undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with implanted devices, such as pacemakers, or while wearing metal objects, such as watches
HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Authority’s December 2018 Advisory highlights the risks to patients who undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with implanted devices, such as pacemakers, or while wearing metal objects, such as watches.
MRI scans organs and internal body structures with a powerful magnet in order to diagnose several conditions, including cancer, joint damage, and heart disease.
The strength of the magnet can pose serious risks—MRIs have caused burns in those wearing metal inside the machine, even from unexpected sources like certain tattoos or metal filaments in yoga pants. Patients with most types of pacemakers may experience arrhythmia, an irregular heartbeat that could exacerbate cardiac issues.
It is imperative for patients to be upfront with the care team about any potential risk and for the care team to do a thorough assessment of them before an MRI.
The Authority reviewed events from 2009 through 2017 to identify the most common MRI-associated dangers and developed tools and strategies everyone can use to keep themselves safe.
Download the full article for more information.
Also published in this Advisory:
- “Perioperative Medication Errors: Uncovering Risk from Behind the Drapes": Medication use in the perioperative setting presents unique patient safety challenges compared with other hospital settings. For example, perioperative medication orders often bypass standard safety checks, such as electronic physician order entry with decision support, pharmacy verification of specific drugs, and multiple nursing checks at the time of administration.
- “Are You Ready to Respond? Reports of High Harm Complications after Surgery and Invasive Procedures": Surgery and other invasive procedures carry significant risks, including death. Recognizing and responding rapidly to surgical complications can prevent serious harm. The Authority analyzed 12 months’ worth of such reports to determine the most prevalent types of complications.
- “How Wet Is Your Patient’s Bed? Blood, Urine, and Microbiological Contamination of Mattresses and Mattress Covers": Body fluid and microbiological contamination can remain on or within bed and stretcher mattresses and mattress covers after cleaning. This puts subsequent patients and even staff at risk of exposure to infectious materials. Analysts reviewed such events reported through PA-PSRS, as well as reports submitted to the FDA’s central database.
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The Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority‘s mission is to improve the quality of healthcare in Pennsylvania by collecting and analyzing patient safety information, developing solutions to patient safety issues, and sharing this information through education and collaboration. Its vision is safe healthcare for all patients.
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