ST. JOSEPH, Mich., Dec. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- GeneGo, Inc., the leading systems biology tools company, announced today that Millipore Corporation has sponsored academic groups from University of Queensland, Sheffield and USC to become members of the collaborative MetaMiner (Stem Cells) project run by GeneGo. MetaMiner is a partnership program for the reconstruction of stem cell pathways and their application in analysis of experimental data as well as knowledge mining. Currently, there are seven Members--stem cell experts from top pharmaceutical companies, the University of Glasgow and Chicago Children’s Hospital--who direct the development.
“In addition to Millipore’s own dedicated team of stem cell scientists, the company has sponsored stem cell research programs around the world,” said Ruben Flores-Saaib, Sr. Manager of Scientific Collaborations at Millipore. “Therefore, we decided to support GeneGo’s effort in stem cells biology, an incredibly important and fast moving research field through sponsorships to its MetaMiner Stem Cell project.”
“In our group we study human embryonal carcinoma, and have begun to derive human induced pluripotent stem cells,” said Martin Pera, Professor and Founding Director, The Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC. “What we hope to get out of our collaboration with GeneGo is high quality manually curated multi step pathway maps that encompass all the knowledge in the literature in one place with easy to use interface tools for knowledge mining and data analysis.”
“Millipore is our long-term partner in pathway biology, and we are pleased that they see the value in this MetaMiner project and have sponsored membership of some of the world leading stem cell scientists” said Julie Bryant, GeneGo’s VP of Business development. “MetaMiner is a cutting edge system and their expertise will be very useful in the development of high quality pathway content.”
For more information, please visit the company’s web site at
CONTACT: Julie Bryant, VP Business Development and Marketing of GeneGo,
Inc., +1-858-756-7996,
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