Microbiota Pioneer, Biocodex, Launches New Research Foundation

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Biocodex USA, pharmaceutical company and maker of Florastor, today launched its Biocodex Microbiota Institute (BMI) and the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation (BMF). Dedicated to providing consumers with meaningful healthcare solutions and information, the launch of these entities will allow for the advancement of research and understanding of the human microbiota.

In the U.S., we suffer an overwhelming lack of understanding and education regarding human microbiota and gut flora. According to data from the BMI, healthcare professionals reported that only 10 percent of the American population discuss flora and gut health with their doctors and pharmacists. Biocodex has developed a well-known reputation as a pioneer and leader in gut microbiota through more than 30 years of research. As the company continues its evolution, the emphasis shifts to increase awareness and place informational and reputable data at the fingertips of the general public and healthcare professionals alike.

To kick off its inaugural year, the Biocodex Microbiota Institute announced a call for research focused on the microbiota as it relates to the liver. While Biocodex traditionally focused solely on intestinal microbiota, this decision to expand research to the liver further showcases its vision of long-term commitment to microbiota research accessible to the public and healthcare professionals. The liver, currently a hot conversation topic in relation to the microbiota, has limited research results to date. The Institute aims to change that through this call for research and future findings.

“We are extremely excited at the potential research that will stem from this grant program as it relates to the liver,” said Professor Harry Sokol, head of the Gut Microbiota and Immunity lab at the Gastroenterology Department of the Saint Antoine Hospital (APHP, Paris, France). “Having the opportunity to study the liver and diseases that currently don’t have data to support its correlation as strongly with microbiota, such as Fatty Liver Disease (Hepatic Steatosis) which is increasingly prominent in the U.S., provides the opportunity to once again pave the way with information and research findings.”

In tandem, the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation, an independent legal entity founded by Biocodex, remains committed to continuing its expansion in all things microbiota, from its continued independent research on microbiota and the interaction with different human pathologies, to the promotion of said research. The main mission of the Foundation is to trust in the scientific community and its highly-valued researchers – this is not a short-term goal, but one that will rely on perseverance and long-term initiatives.

“We have been committed to providing top-quality research and product for decades, and these new initiatives solidify our promise to consumers and healthcare professionals,” said Jean-Marie Lefèvre, President of Biocodex. “Microorganisms and microbiota shouldn’t be polluted, they must be cultivated and protected with a focus not only on repairing, but also on preventing potential diseases. We are keen to satisfy worldwide regulations in each country we work with and continue our commitment to furthering research and are very excited for the future findings.”

For more information on the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation’s international call for projects 2018, please visit http://www.biocodexmicrobiotafoundation.com/.

For additional details and information on the Biocodex Microbiota Institute, please visit www.biocodexmicrobiotainstitute.com.

About Biocodex USA

Biocodex USA is a Silicon Valley-based pharmaceutical company dedicated to providing its customers with meaningful healthcare solutions with an emphasis on gastroenterology and oncology supportive care. Florastor® Daily Probiotic Supplements remain the flagship products, available at all major retailers nationwide. Biocodex USA is a subsidiary of Biocodex, a family-owned multinational pharmaceutical, research, development, manufacturing, and commercial enterprise operating in more than 100 countries. Visit www.BiocodexUSA.com for more information.

About Biocodex Microbiota Institute

The Biocodex Microbiota Institute (BMI) offers the first major international platform to house data on human microbiota. Over recent years, growing interest has spawned a great deal of research into the role and importance of microbiota in maintaining good health. Given its background and expertise, Biocodex has chosen, through BMI, to lay the foundation for a vast network of scientifically rigorous data on microbiota, where patients and health professionals can learn about crucial advances in this field. With the discovery and worldwide marketing of the unique probiotic yeast strain, Saccharomyces boulardii lyo CNCM I-745, the company has, over 60 years, built a dual reputation as a pioneer and leader in the field of human microbiota.

BMI brings together all current knowledge and constantly collects new data on microbiota. It then shares the information regularly via communication tools and social media. As an important player in the health industry, Biocodex is proud to offer, through BMI, a source of information that meets the needs of all.

About Biocodex Microbiota Foundation

The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation’s mission is to support research into microbiota and its interaction with various pathologies. Research is supported through grants given to projects that investigate the implication of microbiota in human health. BMF supports both foundational and applied research. Projects are selected annually by a committee of independent, international scientists.

The BMF’s primary activity remains the awarding of annual grants to innovative scientific research projects that explore the structure of microbiota and, in particular, the impact of an imbalance in microbiota, known as dysbiosis, on the occurrence or evolution of various pathologies.

The BMF also runs and helps establish programs to improve our understanding of microbiota and disseminates this knowledge as widely as possible by organizing scientific meetings dedicated to microbiota with pertinent training sessions. Finally, the BMF can establish public projects which aim to help improve human health and which involve microbiota.

The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation (BMF) is a non-profit, general interest organization.

PAN Communications for Biocodex
Sydney Holmquist, 407-734-7327