Discover How Therapeutic Journaling Can Heal the Issues In Your Tissues
BOSTON, June 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Bestselling author Mari L. McCarthy announced today the release of her inspiring new book, Heal Yourself with Journaling Power, which is the follow up to her multi award-winning book, Journaling Power. Heal Yourself with Journaling Power reveals the medically-confirmed benefits of expressive writing through personal reflections shared by everyday people who’ve used it to transform their lives. Their stories illustrate how you can use therapeutic journaling to manifest a satisfying life in which you are empowered to overcome debilitating disease, design a more promising future, treat and overcome addictions, nurture your inner wisdom, and rekindle the light in your life. “The self-knowledge, solace, and emotional clarity you’ll gain through Heal Yourself with Journaling Power will be immense,” says Dennis Palumbo, M.A., MFT, licensed psychotherapist, author, and Hollywood screenwriter. Mr. Palumbo goes on to say, “The insights you’ll derive from this thought-provoking book will help you through the challenging and introspective journey we call life.” Author Mari L. McCarthy has first-hand experience with the therapeutic power of journaling. As a highly-successful business consultant, she routinely crisscrossed the country to provide solutions to a who’s who of Fortune 100 companies. However, at the height of her career she was forced to shut down her business due to the ravaging effects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). After starting and sticking with a therapeutic journaling routine of her own, Mari was able to reverse her debilitating MS symptoms and ditch her prescription drug routine forever. In Heal Yourself with Journaling Power, Mari shares valuable lessons with readers that are communicated through moving personal stories and heartfelt pearls of wisdom. Each chapter includes inspiration, writing prompts, and exercises designed to make journaling easy and joyful. Readers are provided with dozens of ideas that empower them to journal in a way that supports their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Mari L. McCarthy is the Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of Create Write Now! She also authored the bestselling book Journaling Power: How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live. In addition, Mari is the creator of 22 journaling power workbooks like Empower Your Self that have impacted countless people around the world. Heal Yourself with Journaling Power is available at and For more information, please contact Mari L. McCarthy at CONTACT: Mari L. McCarthy
SOURCE Mari L. McCarthy |