Furthering its long-term programmatic commitment to support the next generation of lung cancer researchers, LUNGevity Foundation, the nation’s leading lung cancer-focused nonprofit organization, has issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for Career Development Awards.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Furthering its long-term programmatic commitment to support the next generation of lung cancer researchers, LUNGevity Foundation, the nation’s leading lung cancer-focused nonprofit organization, has issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for Career Development Awards. The RFA for this 2022 award is available on the LUNGevity website at LUNGevity.org/apply-for-award and the proposalCENTRAL website at proposalcentral.com. LUNGevity’s Career Development Award (CDA) program was created to support future research leaders who will keep the field of lung cancer research vibrant with new ideas. Research funded in 2022 is expected to have a direct impact on the early detection of lung cancer and/or individualized lung cancer treatment, including through targeted therapy and immunotherapy. If selected, CDA recipients may receive a maximum of $100,000 per year for a possible period of three years and will participate as nonvoting members of LUNGevity’s Scientific Advisory Board for the duration of the award. “The Career Development Award program has been terrifically successful in promoting the careers of bright early-stage investigators,” said Charles Rudin, MD, PhD, professor, chief of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Thoracic Oncology Service, and chair of LUNGevity’s Scientific Advisory Board. “Many past recipients are now running their own high-impact lung cancer research programs and mentoring the next generation of trainees.” To be eligible, applicants must be within the first five years of their initial faculty appointment. The Career Development Awards are mentored awards, and a mentoring plan is part of the required submission. “The LUNGevity CDA program has fostered innovative research over the past nearly ten years that has made an impact for those living with lung cancer. We’re excited to review another round of proposals from the next generation of lung cancer researchers,” noted Upal Basu Roy, PhD, MPH, LUNGevity’s executive director of research. Since 2002, LUNGevity-funded scientific research projects have totaled more than $24 million, representing an investment in 149 projects at 61 institutions across 23 states, including 32 Career Development Awards. Letters of intent for the Career Development Award must be submitted by February 23, 2022. About LUNGevity Foundation LUNGevity Foundation is the nation’s leading lung cancer organization focused on improving outcomes for people with lung cancer through research, education, policy initiatives, and support and engagement for patients, survivors, and caregivers. LUNGevity seeks to make an immediate impact on quality of life and survivorship for everyone touched by the disease—while promoting health equity by addressing disparities throughout the care continuum. LUNGevity works tirelessly to advance research into early detection and more effective treatments, provide information and educational tools to empower patients and their caregivers, promote impactful public policy initiatives, and amplify the patient voice through research and engagement. The organization provides an active community for patients and survivors—and those who help them live longer and better lives. Comprehensive resources include a medically vetted and patient-centric website, a toll-free HELPLine for support, the International Lung Cancer Survivorship Conference, and an easy-to-use Clinical Trial Finder, among other tools. All of these programs are to achieve our vision—a world where no one dies of lung cancer. LUNGevity Foundation is proud to be a four-star Charity Navigator organization. Please visit LUNGevity.org to learn more. About Lung Cancer in the US
SOURCE LUNGevity Foundation |