Lancaster Laboratories, Inc. Expanding Its PA Headquarters; $16M Projext to Create, Retain 750 Jobs

LANCASTER – Governor Edward G. Rendell announced today that Lancaster Laboratories Inc. will create 105 new jobs by expanding its Lancaster County operations.

“Throughout Pennsylvania, we are strengthening our communities by investing in the growth of companies just like Lancaster Labs,” Governor Rendell said. “The fact that this company chose to expand its headquarters operations here is a testament to Pennsylvania’s competitive business environment, as well as our position as a global leader in the biosciences.”

The growing company provides analytical services in pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and environmental services.

“More than 700 of Lancaster Labs’ 880 employees work right here in Pennsylvania. Today’s announcement means the company will continue to grow here and provide new opportunities for our residents.” Lancaster Laboratories will construct a 50,000-square-foot building that will connect to its existing, 175,000- square-foot, three-story building on the south campus of its Upper Leacock Township headquarters. “We anticipate especially strong demand for testing in support of biotechnology and new drug products,” said Lancaster Labs President J. Wilson Hershey, Ph.D. “The additional space will allow us to move parts of our existing pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical testing operations and also to develop a new reception area that will serve the entire complex.”

Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Yablonsky visited Lancaster today on behalf of Governor Rendell and participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for the company’s new, threestory, steel-frame building.

The facility will house laboratory modules, primarily for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical testing services, as well as staff offices. Lancaster Laboratories’ south campus expansion is scheduled for completion and occupancy in late 2008.

Lancaster Laboratories has expanded its Lancaster County operations 10 times over the past 42 years. As part of its current project, the company agreed to retain 645 existing positions. The project was coordinated by the Governor’s Action Team, economic development professionals who work with domestic and international businesses and professional site consultants on projects representing significant investment and job creation opportunities.

The team helped Lancaster Laboratories secure a $560,000 investment package from the state that includes a grant of up to $250,000 through the Opportunity Grant Program, up to $100,000 in customized job training assistance and up to $210,000 in job creation tax credits.

Headquartered in Lancaster and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Lancaster Laboratories provides contract analytical services to pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and environmental clients worldwide. To learn more about the company, visit For information on the Governor’s Action Team and other DCED programs, visit or call 1-866- 466-3972.

The Rendell administration is committed to creating a first-rate public education system, protecting our most vulnerable citizens and continuing economic investment to support our communities and businesses. To find out more about Governor Rendell’s initiatives and to sign up for his weekly newsletter, visit his Web site at: