KMR Group Release: Report on Enrollment Metrics Shows Untapped Potential

CHICAGO, Illinois, February 16, 2012 - The Enrollment Metrix Forum recently completed an analysis of how the biopharmaceutical industry is using performance metrics in the most time consuming and expensive portion of the clinical trials process -- enrollment. The analysis was based on data of 11 companies: Amgen, AZ, Bayer, BMS, J&J, Lilly, Merck Research Laboratories, Pfizer, Roche, Shire, UCB.

Although a wide range of enrollment metrics are tracked and reported internally by the companies -- at both the trial and investigator site levels -- it was notable that most companies do not employ these to evaluate their own performance. They are rather used more to set timelines and expectations for future studies.

Another interesting finding was that most companies have not adopted a centralized approach to selecting sites, but instead rely on more decentralized information and decision-making by affiliates at the region or country level or, in some cases, on individual project teams or study managers. Some companies employ a hybrid approach, where the selection is decentralized but there is a central group that either approves or assists in this selection.

Such centralized groups often tap into external databases with information on sites. A key area where there has been recent progress for selecting sites has been the ability to access actual performance data of specific sites (through Site Scorecard), not just contact information or the expertise of the site but how well it has performed when conducting recent trials: e.g., patients randomized per month by the site, randomization cycle time at the site.

“It was illuminating to see the variance in the Industry, not so much in what metrics are tracked but how they are being used,” according to Linda Martin of KMR Group, which facilitated the assessment for the Enrollment Metrix Forum. She continued: “This comparison across the companies revealed that there are important ways in which the data that is generally available can be more effectively used. While the Industry has made considerable strides in the last 5 years, at some companies the potential for improvement is still substantial, and can help lead to more effective management of their trials. This is particularly true when evaluating and managing sites.”

For further information contact:

Linda Martin, Principal Tel: +1 (312) 795-0400 Email:

About KMR

Founded in 1991, KMR is a leader in benchmarking, analytics and performance management in the biopharmaceutical R&D industry. KMR’s clinical platform contains the industry’s most reliable source for trial performance, recruitment and site metrics data. Clients use KMR’s Enrollment and Site Metrix tools to define recruitment strategies, shape enrollment plans and forecast recruitment. Our newest tool, Site Scorecard, provides companies with access to performance data and industry benchmarks for named sites. For more information about these reports or for a demonstration of any of KMR’s tools, please contact KMR or visit our website at

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