Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq: JAZZ) announced today findings from a U.S. survey of more than 300 patients living with sleep apnea, and more than 300 partners of those with sleep apnea.
DUBLIN, /PRNewswire/ -- Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc (Nasdaq: JAZZ) announced today findings from a U.S. survey of more than 300 patients living with sleep apnea, and more than 300 partners of those with sleep apnea. An estimated 22 million Americans are living with sleep apnea and many may be unaware that feeling overwhelmingly tired during the day may be a sign that they are struggling with a real medical condition.1 This condition, called Excessive Daytime Sleepiness related to sleep apnea, can have a negative impact on daily activities, including while at work, driving, and personal interactions outside of work.2-5 Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here: https://www.multivu.com/players/English/8390751-jazz-pharmaceuticals-sleep-apnea-survey-results/ The survey, conducted by The Harris Poll and sponsored by Jazz Pharmaceuticals, asked sleep apnea patients and partners* of people living with sleep apnea about key topics connected to their experiences with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness. According to the survey results, more than one third (36%) of patients said their Excessive Daytime Sleepiness has caused them to miss out on activities or events, avoid social situations or give up activities. In addition, 17% of patients said Excessive Daytime Sleepiness has led to problems at work (e.g., missing a deadline or meeting, being disciplined at work, losing/leaving a job, making a special arrangement or missing out on opportunities like a raise or promotion), and 14% have fallen asleep at the wheel of a motorized vehicle, either stopped at a light/sign or while driving in the last 12 months. Additionally, nearly half of partners surveyed (45%) felt their significant other’s Excessive Daytime Sleepiness negatively impacted their relationships, and 32% of partners reported having avoided social situations or missed activities/events because of their partner’s Excessive Daytime Sleepiness.6 (Download a summary of survey results here for more details) “The kind of exhaustion associated with sleep apnea can cause significant problems for patients at home, at work, and in their personal relationships,” said Richard K. Bogan, MD, FCCP, FAASM, Associate Clinical Professor at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine and Chief Medical Officer at SleepMed in Columbia, SC. “It is important for patients to know that this extreme tiredness is not their fault. Patients and their partners are encouraged to speak with their doctor to learn if the tiredness they are feeling during the day could be related to sleep apnea and discuss a treatment plan that can work for them.” There are many ways to treat sleep apnea, but addressing the airway issue at night may not completely relieve the symptom of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness.7 Key findings from the survey highlighted that the majority of patients surveyed (73%) wished they knew more about treatment options for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness other than Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), which is the most common form of airway therapy. A majority of partners surveyed (82%), would be likely to encourage their partner to make a change if recommended by their physician, including exercising more often (88%), changing their diet (85%) and taking a prescription medication (68%).6 To help patients and their loved ones recognize the signs and symptoms of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness related to sleep apnea, Jazz launched “A Different Kind of Tired,” an educational campaign geared toward helping people living with sleep apnea understand that the exhaustion they feel during the day may be something more and encourage them to seek help. “Excessive Daytime Sleepiness related to sleep apnea is a medical condition that causes many people to struggle to stay awake each day,” said Jed Black, M.D., senior vice president, Sleep and CNS Medicine at Jazz Pharmaceuticals and adjunct professor at Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine. “This survey underscores the impact faced by patients and their loved ones who experience the negative effects of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness related to sleep apnea. Continuing Jazz’s commitment to sleep medicine, we are excited to offer this community new resources and information about Excessive Daytime Sleepiness related to sleep apnea through ‘A Different Kind of Tired.’” People living with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness related to sleep apnea and their loved ones can access additional information about the survey, download a discussion guide for their next doctor’s visit, and learn more about the condition by visiting ADifferentKindOfTired.com and by joining the conversation on Facebook at Facebook.com/ADifferentKindOfTired. *About the Survey and Survey Methodology Respondents included a national sample of patients and partners who met the following criteria:
Data were not weighted and are therefore only representative of the individuals who participated in the survey. About “A Different Kind of Tired” About Sleep Apnea and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness About Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc References:
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Company Codes: NASDAQ-NMS:JAZZ |