CORALVILLE, IA – 10th July 2012 – The latest issue of DECODED, Integrated DNA Technologies’ (IDT’s), quarterly newsletter, highlights the use of IDT oligos to image RNA in single, living cells. Dr Tsourkas, Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, has ordered oligos from IDT for over 10 years, collaborating with the company to design several types of molecular imaging agents.
By combining Molecular Beacons (MBs) with small interfering RNA (siRNA), Dr Tsourkas’ group has created an all-RNA probe, termed the Ratiometric BiMolecular Beacon (RBMB). Delivered using microporation, the siRNA portion guides localization of the RBMBs to the cell cytoplasm, where they bind to specific mRNAs. These imaging agents make it possible not only to track and visualize individual RNA transcripts, but allow researchers to actually see cell trafficking, measure the velocity of transcript movement, monitor localization within the cytosol, and visualize RNA from transcription through translation.
Dr Tsourkas commented, “We often work closely with IDT to move our research forward and have had a great deal of input from them over the years on probe design. This feedback has been invaluable. We want our technologies to be used by other researchers so it is very important to us that our probes are not only functional, but practical.”
You can read more about Dr Tsourkas’ research in the latest issue of IDT’s quarterly newsletter, DECODED. For more information about IDT’s complete product portfolio, and to sign up to receive DECODED, visit For real-time news and updates, follow us on Twitter @idtdna.
About IDT
Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) is the largest supplier of custom nucleic acids in the United States, serving academic, government, and commercial researchers in biotechnology, clinical diagnostics, and pharmaceutical development. IDT’s primary business is the manufacture of custom, synthetic DNA and RNA oligonucleotides. Today, IDT synthesizes and ships an average of 36,000 custom oligos per day to more than 86,000 customers worldwide. IDT manufacturing locations include facilities in Coralville, Iowa; San Diego, Calif.; and Leuven, Belgium. For more information visit
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