Ingenuity Systems and Sage Sage Bionetworks Collaborate to Enable Predictive Disease Network Research

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Nov. 16, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Ingenuity® Systems, a leading provider of information solutions for life science researchers, today announced a new collaboration with Sage Bionetworks, a non-profit leader in predictive disease network research. Under the collaboration, Sage will leverage IPA®, Ingenuity’s industry-leading analysis software, and the Ingenuity® Knowledge Base of structured biomedical Findings, to inform and enhance Sage’s predictive disease networks. Additionally, Sage’s web portal will provide links to the Ingenuity Knowledge Base and to IPA, to help visitors access timely, context-rich biomedical information and better understand it in a biological context. Sage’s content, algorithms, and predictive disease networks will also be made available within Ingenuity products like IPA®.

The Ingenuity-Sage collaboration will support therapeutic area researchers who are working to understand the complex developments in the diagnosis, treatment, and etiology of diseases. Researchers will be able to use the content and algorithms from Sage within IPA to analyze molecular data, generate testable hypotheses, and build and visualize predictive disease models. These models will enable researchers to more rapidly identify and prioritize therapeutic targets for drug development and assess toxicity of potential drug candidates.

“We’re very excited about our collaboration with Ingenuity Systems,” stated Stephen Friend MD, PhD, President, Sage Bionetworks. “Leveraging their high-quality, expert-reviewed Ingenuity Knowledge Base Findings and their powerful pathway analytics in our research will enhance and add functionality to our predictive disease networks and algorithms.”

“This represents a rare and precious opportunity to fundamentally advance the field of predictive disease networks,” said Doug Bassett, Chief Science and Technology Officer at Ingenuity, “We’re thrilled to be working with Sage in this context, and excited at the value this can bring to Sage and Ingenuity customers and partners. We are committed to providing researchers with the very best predictive disease content and analytics within Ingenuity’s products.”

About Ingenuity® Systems

Ingenuity Systems is a leading provider of information solutions and custom services for life science researchers, computational biologists and bioinformaticists, and life science industry suppliers. For more information visit:

About Sage Bionetworks

Sage Bionetworks is a nonprofit medical research organization established in 2009 to revolutionize how researchers approach the complexity of human biological information and the treatment of disease. Sage and its academic and commercial partners employ multiple comprehensive molecular and clinical datasets to create validated disease models that improve the speed and efficiency of therapeutic drug development. Sage’s vision is to create an open access, integrative bionetwork evolved by contributor scientists working to eliminate human disease. For more information visit:

SOURCE Ingenuity Systems