Inform Genomics Presents Results for OnPART™ Showing High Degree of Accuracy Predicting Six Common Side Effects of FOLFOX Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer

Boston, MA, Jan. 28, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Inform Genomics, Inc., a private company focused on developing novel platforms of genomic-based personalized medicine products for cancer supportive care, presented results that demonstrate the ability of its lead platform product, OnPART™ to predict, with a high-degree of accuracy, serious side effects from chemotherapy regimens based on patients’ genomic profiles. The first phase of development for OnPART™ enrolled 384 patients including 57 patients with colorectal cancer who received modified FOLFOX [5-flourouracil, folinic acid, oxaliplatin] with or without bevacizumab. These results were presented Saturday, January 26th at the ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium in San Francisco.