, 7/29/2011 - Immune Response BioPharma, Inc., Fredericksburg, Virginia Today 7/29/2011 Acquires REMUNE.ORG to help bring awareness to our AIDS Vaccine, also Sees REMUNE Garnering 90% Market Share in HIV/AIDS Drugs. Believes Researchers Were Jealous of Dr. Salk Getting Credit for His AIDS Vaccine, Sees REMUNE as Treatment of Choice for Patients.
Immune Response BioPharma, Inc. has reviewed all of the data from the multiple and numerous Phase 1 through Phase 3 Clinical Trials and in every single trial the data clearly shows a significant increase in CD8+ Killer-T-Cells. These key biomarkers clearly show a strong benefit to patients. The CD8+ KillerT-Cells are very important to defeating the HIV virus infected cells, It is the company’s view that the medical community overlooked the data and was professionally jealous that Dr. Salk who invented the polio vaccine would get credited for the AIDS vaccine as well. Immune Response BioPharma rejects the analysis of the jealous researchers.
The data speaks volumes stable CD4+ counts across multiple clinical trials and increased CD8+ counts as verifiable proof the REMUNE vaccine is safe and effective, as well we believe the HAART drugs interfere with REMUNE, while they are safe to use together the full effectiveness of REMUNE is not observed when taken with the anti-retrovirals, thus we conclude REMUNE is safe and effective as a standalone therapy and will become the Gold standard of care and treatment of choice for patients and their doctors to prescribe.
“We are moving forward securing financing and we will get patients the REMUNE vaccine a.s.a.p., it is very sad that a few researchers who were professionally jealous of Dr. Salk acted irresponsibly as the management of IRC and harmed millions of patients from receiving REMUNE, ask yourself how many lives have been lost who needed this vaccine desperately and the press and media attention on the falling stock price caused irreversible harm. My message to the HIV/AIDS patients is I am not going to let you-die, DEMAND your REMUNE, hang in there until I can get you the vaccine” COO Mr. Buswell
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