MEXICO CITY, Nov. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Genomma Lab Internacional, S.A.B. de C.V. (“Genomma” or “the Company”), a leading Mexican over-the-counter (“OTC”) pharmaceuticals and personal care products company announced today that it owns no shares in the laser hair removal chain “Neoskin,” which has recently been the subject of negative news reports. Furthermore, Genomma reiterates that in March 2008, it divested all its shares of Global Administrator, S.A. de C.V., the firm which independently operates various companies, including the stores that offer laser hair removal services under the brand “Depilite.”
Genomma Lab announces the above in order to clarify its disassociation with these operations and reiterates that it has no plans to participate in the laser hair removal business in the future.
The Company continues with its current business plan and expects to communicate its 2009 growth plans in the coming weeks.
Company Description
Genomma Lab Internacional, S.A.B. de C.V. is one of the fastest growing over-the-counter pharmaceutical and personal care products companies in Mexico, and has a growing international presence. Genomma develops, sells and markets a broad range of premium branded products, many of which are leaders in the categories in which they compete in terms of sales and market share.
Genomma Lab performed its Initial Public Offering in June, 2008, through a combined offering (mainly primary) and is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “LAB.B” (Bloomberg:
In its third quarter report of 2008, Genomma Lab reported Sales for the first nine months of 2008 of Ps. $ 1,891 million, an EBITDA of Ps. $ 470 million, a Net Consolidated Income of Ps. $ 320 million and cash and equivalents of Ps. $ 1,073 million.
Web Site:
CONTACT: Alejandro Diazayas of Genomma Lab Internacional, S.A.B. de C.V.,
+52 (55) 5081 0000 Ext. 5106,; or in New York,
i-advize Corporate Communications, Inc. for Genomma, +1-212-406-3692,
Web site: