Don’t Make This 1 Big Job Search Mistake

Don't Make This 1 Big Job Search Mistake By Jessica Holbrook Hernandez, Expert Resume Writer

It is amazing to me that even within the career industry (people who should KNOW not to do this), I still see this mistake again and again. Recently, an e-mail came across my desk from a colleague who is looking for a resume writer to add to their growing team. It made me think about the myriad of applications I’ve received over the years when I’ve made a similar call. Again and again, the biggest mistake I’ve seen involves job seekers who don’t do their research. Believe it or not, this is CRITICALLY important to your job search, and I’m going to give you a prime example why.

You could say I’m a research-aholic. Before I make a major decision or major purchase, I do my homework. That same trait has carried over into my job searches. Whenever I want to apply to a job, I’ll research any information I can find about the company anywhere else it has listed the position—and even go to its Web site to see if more information is listed about the opportunity. In my line of work, when we search for new writers we ask for samples of their work along with their compensation requirements. Our fees are no secret; you can review our Web site to see the investment for our services. Yet I’m always shocked (I don’t know why at this point …) when I receive an application and someone states their fees, which are notably higher than what our clients are asked to pay. I always wonder, how am I supposed to pay you more than I’m charging the clients?

It would have taken this person less than 30 seconds to find this information on our Web site, yet they didn’t even bother to take the time to look before stating their fees. It’s this kind of lack of effort, research, and attention to detail that lets me know they are not the right fit for my time.

What are you unknowingly communicating to the hiring manager when you don’t do your research? If the company asks for a salary range when applying – DO YOUR RESEARCH!

About the Author

Jessica Hernandez, is a resume authority for the Job Talk America radio program and multi-published expert author for resume, career, and job search publications. She boasts more than ten years in human resources management and hiring for Fortune 500 companies and utilizes her extensive experience to support job seekers in their quest to move onward and upward in their careers. Find out more at Great Resumes Fast.

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