Dilaforette Poster Presentation At European Hematology Association Congress

STOCKHOLM - 9 JUNE, 2016. Dilaforette AB, a Karolinska Development (STO:KDEV) portfolio company focused on innovative treatments for patients with Sickle Cell Disease, announces it will have a poster presentation at the European Hematology Association Congress in Copenhagen

Dilaforette’s submission is entitled: ‘Sevuparin Demonstrates Binding to Key Adhesion Receptors Involved in Pathogenesis of Sickle-Cell Disease’ under session for non-malignant hematopoetic disorders.

The 21st Congress of the European Hematology Association is to take place on 9-12 June 2016 at The Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5, Copenhagen. The poster (P756) will be presented by Dr. Maria Lindgren on Saturday 11 June between 17.30 and 19.00.

Dilaforette is currently enrolling SCD patients into a multi-centre, international, randomised Phase II study in Europe and the Middle East (NCT02515838).

For further information, please contact:
Christina Herder, CEO:
Tel: +46 70 374 71 56
E-mail: christina.herder@dilaforette.se

David Dible/ Pip Batty, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Tel: +44 20 7638 9571
E-mail: david.dible@citigatedr.co.uk