CoreSpine Technologies Continues To Strengthen Intellectual Property Portfolio

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- CoreSpine Technologies, LLC, an emerging spinal device company located in Minneapolis, announced today the submission of additional patents applications. “CoreSpine Technologies submitted its first patent to the United States Patent and Trademark Offices (USPTO) in August of last year. Since then, the company has made extensive engineering and design progress, allowing for the creation and submission of additional applications,” said Britt Norton, Co-Founder of CoreSpine Technologies. “We will continue to file solid and defendable patents, both in the US and abroad.”

“CoreSpine’s focus is the development of technologies and therapies that selectively remove tissue in the lumbar spine. These technologies are aimed at enabling many of the emerging spinal implants and their related approaches,” said Christine Horton, Co-Founder of CoreSpine. “Creating a company devoted to this area of spine allows us to develop and fully protect the ideas that will bring value and ultimately market leadership to CoreSpine.”

About CoreSpine Technologies, LLC

CoreSpine Technologies is a privately held company founded in June 2005. The company’s mission is to develop enabling technologies for use with new classes of spinal implant devices. CoreSpine’s first product, which is currently in development, focuses on the complete mechanical removal of nucleus tissue from the lumbar disc space. For additional information, please contact Christine Horton at or Britt Norton at or visit the company’s website at .

Source: CoreSpine Technologies, LLC