Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center Now Urges a Skilled Trades Worker with Mesothelioma or Asbestos Lung Cancer in Colorado to Call for Direct Access to Erik Karst one of the Nation’s Leading Lawyers for Client Compensation Results

The Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center says, “We offer direct access to Erik Karst founding partner of the law firm of Karst von Oiste in order to ensure a skilled trades worker with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer anywhere in Colorado is talking directly with one of the nation’s leading experts for financial compensation.

DENVER, /PRNewswire/ -- The Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center says, “We offer direct access to Erik Karst founding partner of the law firm of Karst von Oiste in order to ensure a skilled trades worker with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer anywhere in Colorado is talking directly with one of the nation’s leading experts for financial compensation.

“Our top priority is doing everything possible to see to it that a person with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer receives the very best possible financial compensation settlement results and it is for this reason we strongly encourage a person in this situation to call us anytime at 800-714-0303 for direct access to Eric or his partners at the law firm of Karst von Oiste.”

The Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center is also urging a person with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer in Colorado to avoid local car accident attorneys that suggest they can help people with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer compensation claims. In many to most instances these law firms will need to bring in another law firm to assist with the compensation claim.

As the group is fond of saying, “Do not hire a local car accident attorney for a mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer compensation claim-when we can provide you with direct access to one of the nation’s leading mesothelioma/asbestos attorneys if you call us at 800-714-0303. Attorney Erik Karst and his colleagues at Karst von Oiste are remarkable attorneys and passionate advocates for people suffering from an asbestos exposure illness and they will want to talk to you.” http://Colorado.MesotheliomaVictimsCenter.Com

The types of construction workers or skilled trades workers the Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center specializes in assisting include:

  • Carpenters
  • Plumbers
  • Pipefitters
  • Electricians
  • Insulators
  • Welders
  • Roofers
  • Demolition Construction Workers
  • Concrete/Foundation Workers
  • Drywall Installers

For a list of banned products by the US Environmental Protection Agency please refer the EPA’s website on this topic:

The Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center wants to emphasize theirs is a statewide initiative available to a diagnosed anywhere in Colorado including communities such as Denver, Colorado Springs, Golden Leadville, Brighton, Durango, or Parker.

For the best possible mesothelioma treatment options in Colorado the Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center strongly recommends the following heath care facility with the offer to help a diagnosed victim, or their family get to the right physicians at this hospital: The University of Colorado Cancer Center for diagnosed victims in the Centennial State or the victim’s family: CancerCenter.aspx.

High-risk work groups for exposure to asbestos in Colorado include US Navy Veterans, civilian workers for the Department of Defense, power plant workers, oil refinery workers, miners, manufacturing workers, plumbers, electricians, auto mechanics, machinists, or construction workers. In most instances, these types of workers were exposed to asbestos in the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, or 1980’s.

The states indicated with the highest incidence of mesothelioma include Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Louisiana, Washington, and Oregon. However, mesothelioma does happen in Colorado.

However, based on the calls the Mesothelioma Victims Center receives a diagnosed victim of mesothelioma could live in any state including Colorado. http://Colorado.MesotheliomaVictimsCenter.Com

For more information about mesothelioma please refer to the National Institutes of Health’s web site related to this rare form of cancer:

Media contact:
Michael Thomas

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SOURCE Colorado Mesothelioma Victims Center