British Firm Sagentia to Add Jobs in Massachusetts

Sagentia, a global innovation, technology and product development company that provides outsourced R&D to clients in the consumer, industrial and medical sectors, is announcing its expansion in Cambridge, Massachusetts by adding up to 25 jobs.

Sagentia’s expansion is a result of the company’s growth in North America, which now represents over 50 percent of the company’s global revenue stream. In the first half of 2011, Sagentia partnered with U.S. clients on 15 new projects, the majority of which are centered in Massachusetts and the greater New England area. Sagentia’s U.S. business anticipates growing by another 20 new projects by year’s end, working with clients from front-end needs analysis through full product design and development phases to transfer to manufacture.

“We are thrilled to increase our diverse North American client base and help to coordinate all phases of product design and development, from meeting the challenges of product innovation to ensuring companies adapt their product offerings for the global marketplace,” said Brent Hudson, CEO of Sagentia. “Our experienced team remains committed to guiding each client through every stage of the process with the intent of delivering competitive products to customers.”

Sagentia opened its U.S. headquarters at One Broadway, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA in June 2010, to take advantage of increasing customer demand and growth in this key cluster. In the last six months, Sagentia has continued to grow its team with five new employees, including: Fiona Haig, U.S. Vice President of Product Development, Javier Zugasti, Senior Consultant of Mechanical Engineering, Marie Johnson, Project Manager, Haven Tyler, Director of U.S. Sales and Bruce Ackman, Key Account Manager. Sagentia’s Vice President of Global Business Development, Peter Thier, and Vice President of Global Industrial Products and Product Innovation, Geoff Waite, are also located out of the Cambridge, Massachusetts office. Sagentia anticipates further expansion and recruitment of up to 20 additional appointments in the next 12 to 18 months, growing the company by 25 new jobs in total.

“Through our recent trade mission and ongoing efforts between leaders in both regions, we are working to strengthen ties between the life sciences clusters in Massachusetts and the UK, and we are pleased to see this UK-based company growing and creating jobs here,” said Governor Deval Patrick. “Massachusetts is a great place for international life sciences companies to do business, and we are proud of Sagentia’s success.”

Sagentia has worked closely with the British Consulate in Boston, and has been a client of the Consulate’s UK Trade & Investment team for several years. On news of the company’s success, British Consul General to New England Dr Phil Budden said, “I’m delighted Sagentia has prospered here in Massachusetts, and has confirmed its plans for expansion. British companies like Sagentia are at home here in Massachusetts, with its talented workforce, thriving hub of innovation, and strong support for the life sciences industry. Furthermore, Sagentia’s decision to base its U.S. headquarters in Massachusetts underscores the mutual prosperity that is at the heart of the UK-Massachusetts commercial relationship.”

“We are pleased to see Sagentia growing fast, and taking advantage of the world-class talent that the Massachusetts life sciences Supercluster has to offer,” said Susan Windham-Bannister, Ph.D., President & CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, the agency charged with implementing the state’s 10-year, $1 billion Life Sciences Initiative. “This is the sort of growth that we are seeking to encourage.”

Plans are in development to relocate to a larger office space in 2011, also within the larger Cambridge or Boston, Massachusetts area. Sagentia has found Cambridge to be an ideal location to allow the company to leverage its leadership as a product development consultancy firm and attract strong talent within the leading life sciences cluster in the U.S.

About Sagentia

Sagentia is a global innovation, technology and product development company providing outsourced R&D consultancy services to start ups through to global market leaders in the medical, industrial and consumer sectors. With global headquarters in Cambridge, UK, and US headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sagentia works with clients from front end market needs analysis through to transfer to manufacture. It delivers innovation around new technologies and new generation products and services that provide commercial value and market advantage. The company also assists business leaders to create strategies for technology, innovation and growth. Information about Sagentia and its services can be found at