Biotech Support Group Release: Cleanascite™ Lipid Removal Reagent and Clarification

September 07, 2012 -- ? A high binding capacity for lipids with minimal cross-reactivity with proteins

? Effectively replaces chlorinated/fluorinated hydrocarbons (eg. freon) and it is environmentally friendly.

? Helps purify antibodies, recombinant proteins, nucleic acids, proteoglycans

? Ideal for clarifying ascites, serum, cell & tissue culture, bile and organ homogenates

? Clarifies saliva and fecal components

? Very low protein binding

? Does not bind to DNA, RNA, enzymes and proteins

? Leaves glycoproteins, antibodies, nucleic acids, hemoglobin, proteoglycans, nucleic acids, serum components(such as hormones, nutrients, globulins, clotting factors, transport proteins) alone

? Extends the life of membrane and chromatographic columns.

? Enrichment of delipidated tissue samples

? Ideal for delipidation treatments for downstream processing of large-scale therapeutic proteins, enzymes and monoclonal antibodies.

Cleanascite™ selectively removes lipids, cell debris, lipoproteins, floating fats, impurities from Cohn paste, transgenic milk, egg yolk and biological samples for pretreatment of samples prior to purification. The reagent is a solid-phase, non-ionic adsorbent supplied as a suspension in saline, ready for use. Simply add, centrifuge and/or filter. The clarified supernatant is ready for subsequent downstream processing or analysis.


? Ascites5

? Serum/Plasma2

? Bile7

? Cohn Paste

? Cell Lysates3

? Tissue Culture6

? Organ Homogenates

? Saliva/Sputum4

? Egg Yolk

? Transgenic Milk

in the purification and analysis of antibodies, proteins, nucleic acids, proteoglycans, and other macromolecules


Supplied as an aqueous suspension of non-ionic adsorbent in saline, pH 8.0. When not in use, keep sealed. For best results store at 4?C. Do not freeze. CleanasciteTM retains full activity when stored as directed for at least 6 months.

Actual lipid concentration in biological samples can vary greatly, so the ratios shown are only intended to provide general guidance in use.

1. Resuspend CleanasciteTM by gently shaking. Excessive shaking or mixing will cause foaming. It should be completely resuspended prior to use.

2. Add 1 ml

of CleanasciteTM to 4 ml of the sample. (1 : 4 volume ratio). Mix the sample by gently shaking periodically for 10 minutes. In some cases the agglomeration of fine lipids is improved by incubation at 4?C for a minimum of one hour.

3. Centrifuge sample at 16,000 G’s for 1 minute - or - 1,000 G’s for 15 minutes.

4. Decant supernatant containing macromolecules of interest and continue with purification.

Optimization. Different sample volumes are easily scaled. Volume ratio can be adjusted up or down as required to remove the amount of impurities present. In some cases the agglomeration of fine lipids is improved by incubation at 4?C for a minimum of one hour.



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Organ Homogenates

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Red Blood Cells

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Tracheal Swab Samples

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Tissue and Cell Culture

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Organ Homogenates

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Template Preparation Production Sequencing Protocols. Stanford Genome Technology Center Patents

J Krupey - United States Patent: 5885921 Hydrophobic silica adsorbents for lipids

David C. Jones. United States Patent: 7999084. Devices and methods for reducing matrix effects DJ Morre, NM McCarty, D Morre et al United States Patent: 7053188. Monoclonal antibodies specific for neoplasia-specific NADH: disulfide reductase

Morre, James D et al. United States Patent: 20030170757. Monoclonal antibodies specific for neoplasia-specific NADH: disulfide reductase

Mcintyre, John A. United States Patent: 20120107841. Serum Diagnostic Method, Biomarker and Kit for Early Detection and Staging of Alzheimer’s Disease


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