19 February 2013 -- Commenting on today’s signing of the agreement to introduce a Unified Patent Court, Steve Bates, BioIndustry Association (BIA) Chief Executive Officer, said:
“The BIA has long advocated the principles underlying the introduction of a single European Patent which ensures innovative companies can protect their inventions more simply and cheaply. Whilst it will be some time before the full extent to which the new arrangements will deliver these advantages is known, it is vital UK companies understand the implications of these changes for their IP and review the best strategy for them to obtain patent protection for their innovations in Europe.
“It is great that the Central Division of the Unified Patent Court that covers the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries is to be based in London. This will enhance the UK’s pre-eminent position in the provision of legal expertise for European life science intellectual property.
“This, alongside the fact that Britain is a great place to start a biotech business, means that London not only hosts the Central Division patent court for life sciences but also the European regulator for medicines and devices - the European Medicines Agency at Canary Wharf - and makes the UK the natural European home for global life science companies.
“Working through the acknowledged experts in this field on the BIA’s Intellectual Property Advisory Committee the BIA will continue to follow developments in this area closely for issues of concern for companies, like the costs of securing a patent and enforcing it.”
For further information, please contact Robert Winder, Head of Communications, rwinder@bioindustry.org, 020 7630 2191; mobile 07825 942 934.
Council of the European Union: Signing of the Unified Patent Court agreement http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/intm/135593.pdf
BioIndustry Association
Founded over 20 years ago at the infancy of biotechnology, the BioIndustry Association (BIA) is the trade association for innovative enterprises involved in UK bioscience. Members include emerging and more established bioscience companies; pharmaceutical companies; academic, research and philanthropic organisations; and service providers to the bioscience sector. The BIA represents the interests of its members to a broad section of stakeholders, from government and regulators to patient groups and the media. Our goal is to secure the UK’s position as a global hub and as the best location for innovative research and commercialisation, enabling our world-leading research base to deliver healthcare solutions that can truly make a difference to people’s lives. For further information, please go to www.bioindustry.org