Biogen CEO Takes a Pay Cut in 2015 But Stock Vested Still Puts Him at Top

The annual compensation of Biogen CEO George Scangos may have fallen by $1.8 million last year compared to the previous one, but he made up most of that in the value of stock he owns that became available to sell.

Scangos, who has been at the head of Biogen (Nasdaq: BIIB) since 2010, realized $32.3 million in the value of shares of stock that vested in 2015, an uptick from the $31.2 million he got the year before. That almost, but not quite, makes up for the fact that the total of his salary, new stock awards, non-equity incentive plan pay and all other compensation was $16.9 million this year, a 9.4 percent drop from 2014.