The BPSA is pleased to announce the election of Board of Directors members who will serve two-year terms in leadership roles through December 31, 2019.
[09-January-2018] |
ARLINGTON, Va., Jan. 9, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Bio-Process Systems Alliance (BPSA), the national trade association of the single-use bio-processing industry, is pleased to announce the election of Board of Directors members who will serve two-year terms in leadership roles through December 31, 2019. “Our 2017 board is inclusive of a diverse set of individuals who are corporate leaders in the single-use industry, representing resins providers, component suppliers, system integrators, bio-pharma manufacturers - large and small -- and analytical labs, in both the U.S. and EU,” said Kevin Ott, BPSA Executive Director. “With these election results, BPSA now truly represents the full value chain of our industry, from resin to components to systems to manufacturing of bio-based therapeutics,” said BPSA Board Chairman John Boehm of CPC. “This broad expertise, now resident within our new Board, allows us to maintain our position as the ‘go to’ source of the single-use industry.” Elected to the BPSA Executive Board as officers for 2018-2019 are:
BPSA Board of Directors members elected to serve for 2018-2019 are:
Continuing their roles on the Executive Board through 2018 are:
BPSA Board of Directors members continuing through 2018 are:
The board convenes four times per year, with adjunct business meetings on a monthly basis. BPSA currently has 55 corporate members and is the primary trade association for the single-use industry. BPSA is headquartered outside Washington, DC, and has represented the full value chain of single-use interests since 2005. About BPSA The Bio-Process Systems Alliance (BPSA) was formed in 2005 as an industry-led corporate member trade association dedicated to encouraging and accelerating the adoption of single-use manufacturing technologies used in the production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines. BPSA facilitates education, sharing of best practices, development of consensus guides and business-to-business networking opportunities among its member company employees. For more information, please visit, or contact Executive Director Kevin Ott at Contact: View original content: SOURCE Bio-Process Systems Alliance (BPSA) |