Wellesley, MA (PRWEB) October 26, 2013 -- According to a new technical market research report, Global Markets for Telemedicine Technologies from BCC Research (http://www.bccresearch.com), the global telehome and telemedicine market was valued at almost $13.8 billion in 2012 and is expected to reach to $16.1 billion in 2013. BCC Research projects this market to grow to $35.1 billion by 2018, and register a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.9% from 2013 to 2018.
Telemedicine, defined as the use of telecommunications technology to deliver medical information or services to patients or other users at a distance from the provider, is a rapidly growing field of clinical medicine. Telemedicine offers a network and framework wherein patients and healthcare service providers are on a common delivery platform for healthcare services. In simple terms, telemedicine covers all healthcare services being delivered remotely with the help of telecom technologies.
The recent implementation of the U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has intensified the healthcare industry’s focus on telemedicine. Indeed, the use of remote monitoring systems to coordinate care over time and across settings will be imperative in meeting the unprecedented demand resulting from the new healthcare law. In addition, recently announced best practices to cut down global healthcare costs, including outsourced medical services, home-based treatment, intervention as opposed to post-treatment, integrated information technology (IT) environments, increased efficiency of healthcare resources and reducing billing gaps, all point towards the increasing use of telemedicine.
Ongoing PPACA rollout, advances in telemedicine-related technologies, and rising consumer demand will drive significant growth in this market over the near to midterm.
This report from BCC Research provides an overview of the global telehome and telemedicine technologies market. To that end, it presents an analysis of global market trends, with data from 2012, estimates for 2013, and projections of compounds annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2018. An evaluation of telemedicine hardware providers, software providers, telecom and networking companies, healthcare companies, health insurance providers, and many more is also provided.
In addition, this report evaluates the ways in which collaborative healthcare can be better and more economically implemented through telemedicine, and assesses the new technological developments in the market. Finally, a discussion of the latest business trends developing in the telemedicine market is included along with comprehensive company profiles of the market’s key players.
With this report, BCC Research aims to identify the key success factors in the telemedicine market and to gauge the ways in which this market can significantly affect larger markets such as healthcare, health insurance, home care, telecommunications (telecom), networking, disease management, e-health, and healthcare IT. The report’s key takeaways include the identification and quantification of markets for technology and services in the telemedicine market. Opportunities are defined in terms of market forecasts, avenues, trends, market drivers, and competitive gaps.
This report is intended for telemedicine hardware manufacturers, software providers, telecom and networking companies, the healthcare industry, and healthcare insurance companies.
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