Bayer Animal Health Release: Garfield Overcomes Fear of the Vet to Beat Cat Kidney Disease

MONHEIM, Germany, April 19, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

  • Garfield campaign urges cat owners not to let ‘vet fear’ shorten their pets’ lives
  • Vet Dr Sarah Caney provides tips for stress free vet visits

Garfield took to the internet today to educate cat owners about the risk of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and the unseen danger as their pet reaches the age of seven. Every owner dreads the stress caused to their animal by visiting the vet and in the latest Garfield (as licensed by Paws Inc.) cartoon, we see how treating CKD early need not be a stressful experience.

CKD is a common health problem for cats, especially those who are aged seven or older. Many cats will not show any signs of kidney disease until more than 75% of kidney function has been lost. First signs can include reduced appetite, increased thirst and urination and weight loss. With the right care and treatment, cats with CKD can enjoy a good quality of life for many months or even years.

Early intervention is essential to slow deterioration of renal function. Garfield, a middle aged cat himself, encourages cat owners to visit the vet to safeguard the health of their cat. “If you are concerned that your cat may have the symptoms of CKD bring them to the vet - your trip does not need to be a stressful experience”, says veterinarian Dr Sarah Caney. “Simple measures can be taken to reduce your cat’s anxiety and make your trip as pleasant as possible for you and your pet”.

Dr Sarah Caney’s recommendations include:

  • Use a top-opening basket, which is the most practical for getting cats in and out with minimal stress.
  • Choose a basket that is easy to clean and line it with something absorbent (e.g. newspaper) before placing something that smells familiar and reassuring on top. For example, this could be your cat’s favourite bed or some of your clothes
  • Leave the basket out in the home when not in use and use as a place to give your cat treats in the carrier when a trip is not planned. This may help your cat to associate the carrier with positive activities
  • Spray Feliway (a synthetic cat pheromone) into the basket at least 30 minutes before putting the cat inside, as this may help your cat to feel more at ease on their journey
  • Once your cat is inside the basket, cover it with a large towel as this may help to calm your cat
  • Secure the carrier firmly when in the car, using a seat belt or by placing in a footwell.
  • Drive slowly and smoothly, talking to your cat as you travel. If you remain calm your cat will also feel reassured
  • If your cat is very anxious, stay in your car until your vet is ready to see you - waiting rooms can be very noisy and stressful for cats
  • Speak to your veterinarian to find out when there are quieter times at the clinic, as this will help to reduce your cat’s stress

The Garfield animation is the final in a series of four, which show how the signs of CKD affect even celebrity middle aged cats. Garfield’s ‘mid-life crisis’ sees him experiencing common symptoms, such as loss of appetite, increased thirst and urination.

Kidney disease is associated with retention of the mineral phosphorus and increased levels of phosphorous in the body can lead to further damage to the kidneys. Controlling phosphate levels helps to delay the progression of kidney disease and can prolong and enhance quality of life for cats with the disease.

Renalzin® is a supplementary feed for the support of renal function in case of renal insufficiency in cats which helps to protect your cat’s kidneys from further damage by binding to phosphate in the diet and preventing it from being digested. By simply adding Renalzin® to your cat’s food you can protect his or her kidneys and help to give your cat the best chance of a long and active life. Renalzin® is specially formulated for cats and can be added to your cat’s favourite wet or dry food once or twice daily. It has a neutral taste and is completely odourless so your cat can continue to enjoy his or her normal diet.

Renalzin® is available from veterinarians and selected pet supplies stores.

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Notes to editors

Garfield’s mid-life crisis can be viewed here and cat owners can log on to to find out more about kidney disease in cats and the steps that they can take to prevent and manage it.

About Renalzin®

Renalzin® binds to dietary phosphate, rendering it indigestible. As a result it significantly (p=0.05) increases faecal phosphate excretion and reduces urinary excretion of phosphorous which reduces the burden on a cat’s compromised kidneys. Clinical studies in cats have demonstrated the beneficial effects of Renalzin®. Over two months, cats given Renalzin® together with a standard diet demonstrated: decrease in serum phosphate levels, increased appetite and improvement in clinical examination scores.

Renalzin® is specifically formulated for cats and is simply added to a cat’s usual food. The standard recommended dosage is 2 mls applied with the cat’s food, once or twice daily depending on the cat’s feeding regime. Renalzin® can be used with wet or dry food and is suitable for all types of cat diet, including a specialist kidney (renal) diet.

About Bayer HealthCare

The Bayer Group is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, nutrition and high-tech materials. Bayer HealthCare, a subgroup of Bayer AG with annual sales of EUR 17.2 billion (2011), is one of the world’s leading, innovative companies in the healthcare and medical products industry and is based in Leverkusen, Germany. The company combines the global activities of the Animal Health, Consumer Care, Medical Care and Pharmaceuticals divisions. Bayer HealthCare’s aim is to discover, develop, manufacture and market products that will improve human and animal health worldwide. Bayer HealthCare has a global workforce of 55,700 employees (Dec 31, 2011) and is represented in more than 100 countries. Find more information at

With a turnover of EUR
1.190 million (2011) Bayer HealthCare’s Animal Health Division is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of veterinary drugs. The division manufactures and markets more than 100 different veterinary drugs and care products for livestock and companion animals.

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SOURCE Bayer Animal Health