UK Government Launches 2020 Plan For Dementia Research, Care And Diagnosis

The UK Government has published its plans for tackling dementia over the next Parliament, with a blueprint that will see it aim to boost dementia diagnosis rates, encourage research and make the UK the most dementia friendly society in the world by 2020.

The plan, published today (Sun 6 March), outlines a series of commitments including:

• An aim for 10% of people with a dementia diagnosis to take part in research. Join Dementia Research – a scheme that matches people to suitable studies, run by the National Institute for Health Research in partnership with Alzheimer Scotland, Alzheimer’s Research UK and Alzheimer’s Society – will play a crucial role in helping to meet this target.

• A pilot scheme to extend discussions of dementia risk reduction to the NHS Health Check for people over 40. Alzheimer’s Research UK, together with other organisations, will help to develop this pilot.

• Moves to improve the quality of care for people with dementia.

Hilary Evans, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“Since the first Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge was launched we’ve seen real progress in the fight against this devastating condition, and the beginnings of a social movement to rally people behind that fight. There is still much work to do, and Alzheimer’s Research UK welcomes this plan which signals a strong commitment to build on the achievements of recent years. We look forward to working with the Government to deliver action on research and help accelerate the development of much-needed new treatments, preventions and improvements in diagnosis.”

David Mayhew, Chairman of Alzheimer’s Research UK and the Prime Minister’s Dementia Envoy, said:

“The UK is leading the way in the fight against dementia, and this blueprint once again shows real leadership from the UK Government in its efforts to tackle the condition. This plan lays out a clear direction for driving forward improved care, new treatments and greater awareness, and it will be important to link this strategy to international efforts if we are to have the greatest impact. We must push ahead with renewed urgency – the 850,000 people with dementia in the UK are counting on us.”


For further information or to interview a spokesperson, please contact Kirsty Marais, Media and Communications Manager at Alzheimer’s Research UK on 0300 111 5 666, 07826 559233 or email Notes to editors:

• Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading charity specialising in finding preventions, treatments and a cure for dementia.

• To help us defeat dementia, donate today by visiting or calling 0300 111 5555.

• We are currently supporting dementia research projects worth over £33 million in leading Universities across the UK.

• Our Defeat Dementia campaign, a pledge to raise £100 million in five years to grow the research field and accelerate progress towards new treatments and preventions, was announced by the Prime Minister at the G8 legacy event on 19 June 2014. For more information visit