TEMPE, Arizona, April 10, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
The Spectrum Group, a global leader of diagnostic and treatment solutions for allergy (SPOT Test) & recurrent bacterial infections (becSCREEN), has announced its partnership with Biogal-Galed Labs to bring VacciCheck to the US pet market.
“We, as pet advocates and partners with the veterinary, rescue and boarding communities see this as an ideal opportunity to provide the industry with a product that can assist in reducing over-vaccination of dogs and potential adverse reactions” said Mervyn Levin, President of the Spectrum Group.
The Canine VacciCheck kit is used as an in-house diagnostic tool to evaluate the amount of antibodies present for core vaccines (Canine Infectious Hepatitis, Canine Parvovirus, and Canine Distemper Virus).
VacciCheck is especially useful to determine if a dog requires an additional core vaccination, and may save the dog from unnecessary over-vaccination and subsequent adverse events. It can also help determine a dog’s unknown vaccination history and determine if puppies have received adequate immunity.
Spectrum’s Canine VacciCheck has been described by Professor Ronald Schultz as “a cost effective, user friendly and expedient titer test”.
Canine VacciCheck is unique, as it quantitatively checks for all 3 core vaccines. This is carried out as a single test in a vet clinic, veterinary lab, animal shelter, with results available in 21 minutes.
For shelter hepatitis, parvo or distemper outbreaks, VacciCheck rapidly and cheaply tests populations that are susceptible to or protected from these diseases. This allows many animals to live, that might otherwise have been euthanized.
Visit http://www.vaccicheck.com to learn more about the purpose and benefit this product provides.
About Biogal-Galed
Biogal was established in 1986. Their various products are available in over 35 countries.
Biogal Laboratories is dedicated to the development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative and unique diagnostic tools for companion animals, farm animals and laboratory rodents.
Please visit http://www.biogal.co.il for more information.
About The Spectrum Group
Spectrum Group, also known as Spectrum Labs, has spent the past 20 years helping both pet parents and veterinarians provide a better quality of life to animals with allergies via their patented SPOT test. Utilizing this multifaceted approach, comprehensive testing and treatment methods, and unique tools such as training DVDs and text/email reminders, has made it possible for Spectrum to provide success rates as high as 90%. In 2011, Spectrum added to its line of valuable diagnostic tools by incorporating becSCREEN, providing insight into recurrent bacterial infections far beyond current methods that allows for accurate identification of the bacteria as well as the correct antibiotic required, to combat the infection once and for all. Veterinarians currently serviced by Spectrum Labs reside in all 50 states as well as more than 40 countries worldwide. Visit Spectrum Labs at http://www.WeAreSpectrum.com
Click Here to read a Review of VacciCheck by Professor Ronald Schultz.
Click Here to view how Canine VacciCheck can save lives in Animal Shelters (from The Maddies Fund).
Len Small
SOURCE Biogal - Galed Labs