Phi Sciences Release: Scientist Discovers Key Antioxidant To Slow Aging

COTTONWOOD, Ariz., March 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Patrick Flanagan has isolated a new antioxidant that could positively alter the quality and duration of human life. He calls this discovery “MegaH.” Until recently, the most powerful antioxidants known to man were green tea and grape seed extracts. Validated and confirmed scientific studies verify that MegaH is 800% more powerful than both green tea and grape seed extracts.

After decades of laboratory investigation, Dr. Patrick Flanagan developed MegaH based on research about the requirements of cell life for oxygen and hydrogen. He discovered that ionized hydrogen is as important to human cellular lifespan as oxygen. MegaH literally extends human cell life more than any other substance known to man. During the last 12 months, Scientific and Medical Journals have published multiple peer-reviewed studies validating Dr. Flanagan’s antioxidant discovery and the potential health applications for MegaH.

“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live,” says Richard Cutler, MD, Director of Anti-Aging Research, National Institutes of Health. Dr. Flanagan developed MegaH based on his research about negatively charged hydrogen ions and nanotechnology in the form of Microclusters(R). The combination of these two technologies, hydrogen ions and Microclusters(R), results in a revolutionary antioxidant with remarkable anti-aging implications.

“By controlling free radicals, antioxidants can make the difference between life and death, as well as influence how fast and how well we age. Their role in the human body is nothing less than miraculous,” says Lester Packer, Ph.D., Director of Packer Lab at the University of California at Berkeley, and senior scientist at the prestigious Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Dr. Flanagan has been featured in Life Magazine and hundreds of newspaper, magazine, television and radio interviews. He was awarded the prestigious Scientist of the Year Award in 1997 by the International Association for New Science. Dr. Flanagan is an exciting and experienced guest speaker who gives compelling, entertaining, and easy-to-understand interviews about anti-aging and disease prevention. For more information about MegaH, Dr. Flanagan’s antioxidant research, please go to

Press Contact: Malcolm CasSelle Tel: 510-569-1719

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Phi Sciences

CONTACT: Malcolm CasSelle for Phi Sciences, +1-510-569-1719