Next Safety, Inc.'s Innovative Drug Delivery System Will Replace Cigarettes and Significantly Advance Pulmonary Medication Delivery

WEST JEFFERSON, N.C., June 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Next Safety, Inc. has identified basic scientific mechanisms that promise to revolutionize pulmonary drug delivery. This proprietary technology uses a stream of purified air to deliver medications deep into the pulmonary system. It is considered superior to other drug delivery systems because it rapidly administers aerosolized drugs to the lining of the lungs at previously unrealized efficiencies. The delivery technique has multiple applications across many therapeutic areas, such as asthma and nicotine replacement. Preliminary findings indicate that the Next Safety device delivers nicotine more efficiently than cigarettes, but without the negative effects of smoke.


According to estimates by the World Health Organizations smoking kills 5 million people globally each year. In 20 years, smoking will kill more than 10 million people per year. Half of the 1.3 billion smokers in the world today (650 million) will die from their habit.

“Our technology will save more lives than have been lost in all the wars in recorded history” - C. Eric Hunter, CEO and Founder of Next Safety, Inc.

“The fundamental nature of this development means that pulmonary delivery for a wide range of drug classes will be vastly improved or enabled,” said Tom Stern, MD, assistant professor of medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine at Carolinas Medical Center and member of Next Safety’s Medical Advisory Board. “To date laboratory data suggests applications such as childhood asthma or home delivery of medicines previously requiring an IV will be equally benefited. Although further testing is needed, this fundamental breakthrough may eventually be seen as important as the invention of the syringe.”

“We’ve taken a fresh approach to pulmonary drug delivery,” said Lyndell Duvall, director of technology & product development for Next Safety, Inc. “By obeying mother nature, and borrowing techniques and materials from the semiconductor industry, we are able to individually generate each droplet in an aerosol and dictate how it will behave before it is delivered to the patient.”

The company is planning clinical testing under an IRB protocol that will include antibiotics, phenergan, albuterol, tobramycin, and morphine. The tests will be conducted in coordination with Carolinas Medical Center, located in Charlotte, NC. Early results should be available July 07'.

Next Safety is located in North Carolina, an area already known for leadership in technology and medicine. The company has leveraged this expertise to develop the worlds most advanced respirator technology and to advance the field of pulmonary medicine. Next Safety’s bPure8000(TM) line of respirators provide higher protection against airborne viruses and fine particulate air pollution than any other respirator available globally. Next Safety now brings the same innovative approach to the science of pulmonary drug delivery and nicotine replacement.

For more information about Next Safety, Inc. visit

Photo: NewsCom: Archive: http://photoarchive.ap.orgPRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comNext Safety, Inc.

CONTACT: Bethany Swaim of Next Safety, Inc., +1-336-246-7700