Logicalis Forecasts a Cloud-Filled Future for Enterprise IT

January 11, 2011 -- Who: Logicalis, Inc., an international provider of integrated information and communications technology (ICT) solutions and services based in Farmington Hills, MI, has made it easier to explore the cloud. What: To help prospective clients as they examine cloud strategies, Logicalis has developed a series of tools – expert podcasts; technology guidance on cloud security and what to put in or keep out of the cloud; a feature story providing a solid overview of cloud technology, including common service and deployment models for cloud computing; and a microsite that explores every aspect of an enterprise cloud strategy – all of which combine to provide a solid launch pad for enterprise clients considering cloud options for their organizations.


- Podcasts: Listen to two short podcasts entitled “Cloud Computing – A General Overview” and “The Logicalis Enterprise Cloud” here http://www.us.logicalis.com/knowledge-share/podcasts.aspx

- Technology Guidance: Get Logicalis’ expert opinion about key cloud issues here:

- “Logicalis IDs Top Decision Points in Cloud Security” - http://www.us.logicalis.com/it-news-and-events/news/top-decision-points-in-cloud.aspx

- “Logicalis Gives IT Pros a Handle on Cloud Control” - http://www.us.logicalis.com/it-news-and-events/news/logicalis-gives-it-pros-a-hand.aspx

- “Logicalis Launches Enterprise Cloud Offering Focused on Delivering a Managed Cloud Infrastructure” - http://www.us.logicalis.com/it-news-and-events/news/logicalis-launches-ec-offering.aspx

- Feature Story: Read a feature story, “Cloud Computing: How to Make Your Own Silver Lining,” here http://www.us.logicalis.com/pdf/Cloud-Computing-Feature-Story.pdf

- Microsite: Explore the Logicalis Enterprise Cloud dedicated microsite here: http://www.us.logicalis.com/cloud

Quote: “There’s a lot of buzz about cloud computing in the industry right now, but it really comes down to defining a business’ overall data center IT strategy and developing a cloud that meets that company’s specific business needs. The end goal is to develop a computing environment that allows seamless alignment of IT and business, controls costs, and aligns business needs with the IT budget. ” – Mike Martin, director of cloud computing, Logicalis

Media Contacts: Lisa Dreher, VP, Marketing & Business Development, Logicalis, Inc., lisa.dreher@us.logicalis.com; 425-201-8111; www.us.logicalis.com or Karen Franse, Communication Strategy Group for Logicalis, kfranse@gocsg.com; 866-997-2424, www.gocsg.com

About Logicalis

Logicalis is an international provider of integrated information and communications technology (ICT) solutions and services founded on a superior breadth of knowledge and expertise in communications & collaboration; data center; and professional and managed services.

Logicalis Group employs over 1,900 people worldwide, including highly trained service specialists who design, specify, deploy and manage complex ICT infrastructures to meet the needs of over 5,000 corporate and public sector customers. To achieve this, Logicalis maintains strong partnerships with technology leaders such as Cisco, HP, IBM and Microsoft.

The Logicalis Group has annualized revenues of $1 billion, from operations in the UK, US, Germany, South America and Asia Pacific, and is fast establishing itself as one of the leading IT and Communications solution integrators, specializing in the areas of advanced technologies and services.

The Logicalis Group is a division of Datatec Limited, listed on the Johannesburg and London AIM Stock Exchanges, with revenues in excess of $4 billion.

For more information, visit www.us.logicalis.com