ICRC-Weyer GmbH Release: Prof. Dr. Geerd Weyer Honored by German Psychiatric Research Council

Berlin, 21 May 2012: In recognition of his contribution to pharmacopsychiatric research, Prof. Dr. Geerd Weyer was elevated to honorary member of the collegiate of CIPS (Collegium Internationale Psychiatriae Scalarum), the German scientific association for the development and evaluation of psychiatric rating scales for use in pharmacopsychiatric research. The elevation took place at the occasion of the annual spring convention of CIPS, which was held on 11 May 2012 in Königstein, Germany. Prof. Weyer is the 5th honorary member in the association’s 40-years history.

“Prof. Weyer’s continuous contributions are invaluable not only as the driving force behind the association’s definite handbook on international scales for psychiatry, (whose completely revised 5th edition was authored by him in 2004 and whose updated 6th edition is currently being edited by him), but also for his input on biometrical discussions, the project to design an apparatus’ handbook and as a constant active presence at the association’s biannual meetings”, as Dr. Thomas Munz, past president of CIPS and a representative of Swiss regulatory body Swissmedic, pointed out during the laudation.

CIPS was founded in 1974 as a scientific association with the goal of developing and evaluating scientific methods for quantifying psychopathological findings as well as the mental state and capabilities for the clinical assessment of pharmacopsychiatric and pharmacopsychological therapeutic methods, especially in the context of clinical trials.

CIPS has an interdisciplinary membership, drawn from physicians, psychologists, biometricians and other scientists, contributing their specific skills and knowledge to the common goal of the association.

CIPS’ authorative German handbook “Internationale Skalen für die Psychiatrie” (International Scales for Psychiatry), currently in its 5th edition, provides clinical researchers with a valuable instruments to guarantee the highest standard of quality for conducting research projects in the field of pharmacopsychiatry and psychopharmcology.

CIPS has thus pledged itself to the continuing progress and quality of clinical research in human subjects.

Prof. Dr. Geerd Weyer is the founder and Managing Director of ICRC-Weyer GmbH. The focus of the Berlin-based CRO (Clinical Research Organization) has broadened from a specialist provider of psychometric and methodological consulting, to cover a full range of CRO services, among them independent medical review as well as evaluation of patient-reported outcomes and clinical data.