RESTON, Va., Dec. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- The Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA), representing full-service U.S. healthcare distributors, stated today it is fully reviewing the Health and Human Services (HHS) Task Force Report on Importation. “The nation’s healthcare distributors are committed, first and foremost, to patient safety and the integrity of the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain. As such, we are continuing our work with the Administration and Congress to ensure that a safe and secure prescription drug supply chain is the paramount consideration in the debate over drug importation,” said John M. Gray, HDMA President and CEO.
“HDMA and our member company distributors have testified before the HHS Task Force and we’ve been consistently outspoken on the critical importance of assuring patient safety when considering the issues of drug importation. Our focus has been, and continues to be, on three key safety issues we believe must be thoroughly addressed: product authentication, product integrity, and product availability. Each offers significant challenges that require extensive study and consideration before moving forward with any importation proposal.”
Gray continued, “Today as drug counterfeiting and terrorism are front-and- center issues, we urge policymakers to be exceedingly careful before moving forward with any program to import medicines from abroad. HDMA will continue to provide policymakers with fact-based information on supply chain issues as importation is considered.
“In the meantime, we applaud the continued efforts of HHS to conduct a comprehensive review of the issues and identification of the concerns surrounding importation.”
About HDMA
For more than 125 years, HDMA has worked with members to secure a safe, efficient, and reliable healthcare distribution system that is able to provide life-saving health products and services. HDMA members are responsible for ensuring that billions of units of medication are safely delivered to tens of thousands of retail pharmacies, hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and other provider sites in all 50 states in the most efficient manner possible. HDMA members are a vital link in the healthcare system, providing highest-quality solutions that remove costs and empower providers to deliver care more effectively. Through our advocacy activities, HDMA operates at the forefront of healthcare, and ensures that members’ perspectives and businesses are understood and addressed in legislative and regulatory arenas.
Healthcare Distribution Management Association
CONTACT: Susan Mirvis of Healthcare Distribution Management Association,+1-703-885-0216
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