Inventor of technology behind world’s first in-store, DNA test for personalised skincare given highest honour from world’s largest technical society
London, UK, 27th May 2015 – GENEU, creator of the world’s first in-store DNA test for personalised skincare, today announces that GENEU’s Chief Scientific Officer and inventor of the core technology behind its high street revolution, Professor Chris Toumazou, has been awarded the prestigious IEEE Field Medal in Biomedical Engineering. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – the world’s largest technical professional society – has honoured Professor Toumazou with the IEEE Field Medal in Biomedical Engineering in recognition of his “outstanding contributions to biomedical circuit technology”. The award was president by IEEE President and CEO, Howard E. Michel, during the ISCAS international symposium in Lisbon.
IEEE field medals are administered by the IEEE Awards Board on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors, and represent the highest-level awards given by IEEE. Professor Toumazou is the current European Inventor of the Year for the enabling technology used by GENEU, awarded by the European Patent Office – Europe’s highest distinction for inventors worldwide.
IEEE President and CEO, Howard E. Michel said: “Professor Toumazou is an engineer who has developed numerous medical devices that have revolutionised healthcare. The IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation for the benefit of humanity and Professor Toumazou’s work was a stand-out contender for the Biomedical Engineering Award in what was a very competitive field.”
Professor Chris Toumazou is CSO at GENEU, a new retail brand which is delivering its pioneering “DNA BeautyLab on a microchip” service based on technology invented by Prof. Toumazou. From its flagship store in Mayfair, London, GENEU provides a DNA personalised skincare serum targeting optimal skin health and a bespoke consultation with a PhD scientific advisor, all within 30-45 minutes.
Commenting on the IEEE field medal, Professor Chris Toumazou said: “I am extremely proud to have been awarded this honour by IEEE, and I would like to express my gratitude to the Awards Board for this distinction.” He added: “IEEE’s vision is ‘Advancing Technology for Humanity’, and that has been the guiding principle of both my academic and business career, including my work with GENEU, which is absolutely at the vanguard of a disruptive, on-the-spot DNA diagnostic market that will ultimately transform public health.”
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Notes to editors:
About Professor Christofer Toumazou FRS, FREng, FMedSci, FIET, FIEEE, FCGI, FRSM, CEng, DEng, PhD, BSc: Professor Chris Toumazou is Regius Professor of Engineering, Chair in Biomedical Circuit Design, Director of the Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology and Founder and Chief Scientist for the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London. He is also founder and director of Toumaz, chairman of DNA Electronics, and Chief Scientific Officer at GENEU. He is distinguished for his innovative silicon technology and integrated circuit design for electronic device in the field of devices for medical diagnosis and therapy. Professor Toumazou is pre-eminent amongst the global community of contemporary medical engineers. In 1994 Toumazou was appointed the youngest Professor ever to be appointed at Imperial College, at the age of 33. In 2013 he became London’s First Regius Professor of Engineering conferred to Imperial College during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
About GENEU: (
GENEU are a worlds first in DNA personalised skincare. Using groundbreaking microchip technology developed over ten years at Imperial College London, GENEU provide their clients with bespoke skincare tailored to their genes. Using this innovative approach, clients are not only able to understand exactly what their skin needs to maintain its healthiest state but also gain an insight into what to avoid. GENEU assess both collagen level breakdown and antioxidant protection alongside a lifestyle questionnaire to gain a comprehensive insight into an individuals precise skincare needs. Once this is established, the client is provided with a dual serum that has been specifically tailored with the exact concentrations and active ingredients to suit them.
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