Deutsche Post DHL Signs New European Service Agreement

Oslo, Norway. March 10, 2011. Deutsche Post DHL recently signed a new European contract with Mettler-Toledo for repair and maintenance services of weight and volume systems. This contract comes as a welcome development in the companies’ long-standing partnership.

Standardizing Service Procedures

DHL has been using Mettler-Toledo’s air cargo scales, parcel and pallet dimensioners as well as forklift scales for many years, and as a progression from the 10 year global agreement signed in 2007, Mettler-Toledo presented DHL with a region specific agreement.

The aim of the new Framework Agreement is to provide high quality service by standardizing service procedures and terms and conditions across Europe to best meet DHL’s needs.

The agreement covers helpdesk and remote services, servicing and inspections as well as replacement of wear and tear parts and repair work on-site on request. The services also include the relevant hardware and software.

On-going Developments

METTLER TOLEDO is constantly working to meet clients needs and this agreement marks an important step in the companies’ partnership. It’s global network and worldwide distribution centres mean that METTLER TOLEDO can offer service locally, and having a standardized service is part of the company’s on-going efforts to maintain quality assurance.


METTLER TOLEDO is the leading global supplier of precision instruments and the world’s largest manufacturer of weighing equipment. The Cargoscan™ range consists of cutting edge Dimensioning, Weighing and Identification solutions for the Transport and Logistics industry. With over 20 years of experience working with transport and logistics companies worldwide we have a thorough understanding of our customer

About the Global Agreement

In 2007 Deutsche Post DHL and METTLER TOLEDO signed a 10 year Global Partnership Agreement with the aim of standardizing weighing and volume measurement equipment within terminals on a global scale. Innovative technology and a worldwide service and distribution network made the METTLER TOLEDO the perfect supplier.