Apaporis Release: ChemOutsourcing 2012 Tops 100 Exhibitors at Largest-Ever Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Event in USA

LONG BRANCH, NJ--(Marketwire - September 07, 2012) - ChemOutsourcing 2012 will take place September 10-13, 2012 in Long Branch, NJ, and is the largest show in the event’s 6 year history, reports Mark Alexay, President of Apaporis, the organizer. “API, Intermediates, and other chemistry service suppliers are attending the show from around the world. The event will be attended by exhibitors from the USA, a dozen European countries, and growing numbers from Asia, especially Japan. This year’s attendance is the best ever.”

The 110 exhibitors offering custom synthesis and closely-related services are the greatest number to attend annual New Jersey event.

“New Jersey is the epicenter of the Pharmaceutical industry and the chemistry services companies have co-located for ease of contact with their clients.”

“Equally important, chemists sourcing small molecule API’s for pharmaceutical companies, and increasingly, Biotech, ‘Emerging,’ and virtual companies with leaner business models have come to recognize the value of the show for their needs. There is a large diversity of large and small pharmaceutical companies attending, many from Boston and New Jersey.”

“In a recovering Pharmaceutical Economy, there are new opportunities for US and European CMO’s, while Asian presence completes the globalization of the industry. The 100 speakers will be discussing these trends at the show.” http://chemoutsourcing.com/speakers.php

ChemOutsourcing is the largest USA-based API show attracting annually 700-800 chemists from the pharmaceutical, biotech, and chemical industries. The show is also distinguished by its accessible buyers and upscale seaside venue. The 2012 attendee list http://chemoutsourcing.com/attendees.php

The nightly socializing events are highlighted by the Beach Party http://chemoutsourcing.com/beachvideo.php and Casino Night, both held to foster interchange among attendees.

The show spans API development from early drug discovery through chemical development and commercial supply. It is heavily attended by Pharmaceutical R&D chemists. Likewise, most of the world’s Contract Manufacturing (CMO’s) and Contract Research Organizations (CRO’s) supporting all pre-clinical and clinical API development attend.

Mark Alexay