Amorchem Finances The Development Of An Orthopedic Device

Montreal, November 7, 2014 - AmorChem is happy to announce the launch of a collaboration with the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), the Hôpital Sacré-Coeur de Montréal (HSCM) and Univalor. This project is the result of work achieved by Dr. Yvan Petit (ÉTS), Dr. Georges-Yves Laflamme (HSCM) and M. Yan Bourgeois (ÉTS) on the development of a medical device to be used to repair greater trochanter fractures.

“It is with great pleasure that we are adding a second orthopedics device project to our portfolio. We really appreciate the close interaction between the engineering team and the clinician who will be the end-user,” says Inès Holzbaur, general partner at AmorChem. “This is our first opportunity to work with ÉTS and HSCM and we are enthusiastic to be adding these two new sources of innovative technologies to our network.”

“This medical innovation has attained a high level of scientific credibility due to the work of Dr. Yvan Petit’s team. We believe that the special geometrical attributes of this implant will improve the quality of life of patients suffering from complications following hip replacement surgery,” declares Dr. Sylvain G. Cloutier, Dean of Research at ÉTS.

“This recently-patented device is an important step forward in the field of orthopedics. It is excellent news to see it enter the commercialization phase and hopefully, this will lead to a product which can improve patients’ lives,” adds Dr. Clermont Beaulieu, Director of business development (lifesciences) at Univalor.

Greater trochanter fractures occur as post-surgical complications in 30% of patients having undergone total hip replacement surgery. Devices currently available on the market do not meet all of patients’ needs and the most prevalent problem is cable breakage. The device being developed in this project offers a solution to this issue and other imperfections of currently-available products. Preliminary results show a promising improvement in the quality of bone repair.

“We believe that there are interesting business opportunities available in the field of orthopedics when specific problems are corrected. The device thoughtfully designed by this team achieves this goal,” concludes Dr. Élizabeth Douville, general partner at AmorChem.


AmorChem L.P. ( is a venture capital fund located in Montreal focused on investing in promising life science projects originating from Quebec-based universities and research centres. The principal limited partners of this fund are Investissement-Québec, FIER Partenaires, Fonds de solidarité FTQ and Merck & Co. This fund is the latest addition to the GeneChem portfolio of funds, a fund manager in existence since 1997. AmorChem’s innovative business model involves financing research-stage projects to enable them to reach pre-clinical proof-of-concept (“POC”) in a semi-virtual mode within 18-24 months. The fund seeks to generate returns through a two-pronged exit strategy: sell projects having reached POC to large biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies; or bundle them into new spin-out companies. AmorChem using external resources will manage the projects. To that effect, AmorChem has established a strategic partnership with the Biotechnology Research Institute in order to access its R&D platforms. In addition, to enabling projects requiring small molecules as tools or drug leads, AmorChem has founded NuChem Therapeutics Inc., a medicinal chemistry contract-research company.



ÉTS (École de technologie Supérieure), part of the Université du Québec network, educates professional engineers and researchers who are renowned for their practical and innovative approach. Of the 35 engineering schools and faculties in Canada, ÉTS ranks among the best, with over 60 chairs, research centres, and laboratories, to which, many postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are associated. This synergy of expertise and experience contributes to scientific progress, higher industrial productivity and quality, as well as the training of a highly qualified workforce.

For additional information on ÉTS’s chairs, laboratories, and research groups, please visit the Research and Innovation section of the ÉTS web site at ABOUT UNIVALOR

Univalor is a university technology transfer organization. Since 2001, it has been commercializing scientific findings and technological innovations emanating from some 2,600 researchers at the Université de Montréal and its affiliated health centres, Polytechnique Montréal and HEC Montréal. By creating links between the university and the business community, Univalor helps make businesses more competitive, generate revenue for research and, most importantly, enrich society.Please visit for more information.


L’Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal est un centre suprarégional membre du grand réseau d’excellence formé par les établissements affiliés à l’Université de Montréal. Il a pour mission la prestation de soins généraux, spécialisés et ultraspécialisés, l’enseignement et la recherche. Il compte quatre axes stratégiques, soit la Trauma – soins aigus et soins critiques, la Santé cardiovasculaire, la Santé respiratoire et la Santé mentale, ainsi que deux secteurs de pointe, soit l’Orthopédie tertiaire et la Chirurgie bariatrique minimalement invasive. Il offre également des services régionaux de médecine hyperbare ainsi qu’un centre de traumatologie tertiaire possédant des mandats provinciaux. Sa mission consiste d’abord à dispenser des soins de qualité de première ligne à la population habitant principalement le Nord de Montréal et Laval Ouest. L’Hôpital possède également des mandats nationaux auprès de la population de l’Ouest du Québec, qui inclut les régions des Laurentides, de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, de Lanaudière, de la Montérégie et de l’Outaouais. Assumant sa mission d’enseignement par son affiliation universitaire et son partenariat avec le réseau collégial, l’Hôpital contribue à la formation de médecins et de professionnels de la santé de diverses disciplines afin d’assurer le maintien et la qualité des soins offerts aux générations présentes et futures. L’Hôpital possède aussi le mandat de contribuer, par la recherche, à l’avancement des connaissances dans les disciplines médicales et paramédicales, dans une perspective d’amélioration constante des soins et des services destinés à assurer la santé et le bienêtre des usagers. (réf. Rapport Annuel 2013-2014)

Media contacts:
Elizabeth Douville Inès Holzbaur
514-849-6358 514-849-7454
Business development contact:
John Clement
514-849-6477 (office); 514-887-7696 (cell)

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