Aureus Pharma Licenses AurSCOPE Ion Channel Knowledgebase To Xention Discovery

PARIS, France, June 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Aureus Pharma a leading provider of knowledge management solutions to accelerate discovery in the life sciences industry, announces that Xention, a drug discovery and development company focusing on ion channels, has licensed its AurSCOPE Ion Channel Knowledge database.

Ion Channels are an important drug target class as they are involved in many physiological and pathophysiological processes, including cardiac arrhythmias, auto-immune diseases, pain, multiple sclerosis and over active bladder. AurSCOPE Ion Channel is a comprehensive knowledge database containing detailed biological activity that has been described in journals and patents for all known ion channels and their ligands.

“We will use the data contained in the AurSCOPE Ion Channel knowledgebase in combination with our in-house proprietary technology and databases to accelerate the discovery of novel small molecules” said Dr. Dave Madge, Xention’s Vice President of Chemistry. “Access to this knowledge database will help us to use the selectivity profile and ADMET properties of existing drugs to design better molecules for our ion channel targets.”

“We are delighted that Xention, an ion channel specialist, has chosen Aureus’ ion channel knowledge database,” said Dr. Andre Michel of Aureus Pharma. “We are confident that the high quality data will complement Xention’s drug discovery platform.”

About Aureus Pharma

Aureus Pharma headquartered in Paris, France is a privately held knowledge management based solutions provider for the life sciences industry. Aureus Pharma accelerates new drug discovery by providing knowledge databases which contain high quality quantitative information for both chemistry and biology. Researchers gain rapid access to knowledge for important drug target classes including GPCR, Ion Channel, Kinase as well as other critical pharmaceutical topics including ADME/Drug-Drug Interactions and the hERG Channel. The information contained in the Aureus Pharma system is of primary importance to aid in lead discovery and optimization as well as to build predictive models. For further information on how Aureus Pharma helps researchers turn data into discovery visit

Media Contact: For Aureus Pharma: Mary E. Donlan, Ph.D Director of Marketing & Sales +33-1-40-18-57-59/+33-6-76-19-51-77

Aureus Pharma

CONTACT: Media Contact: For Aureus Pharma: Mary E. Donlan, Ph.D, Directorof Marketing & Sales, +33-1-40-18-57-59/+33-6-76-19-51-77,