WEST CHESTER, Ohio, July 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- AtriCure, Inc. , a medical device company focused on developing, manufacturing and selling innovative cardiac surgical devices, will release its financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 on Thursday, August 9, 2007.
AtriCure will host a conference call at 10:00 am EDT on Thursday, August 9, 2007 to discuss second quarter 2007 results. A live Web cast of the conference call will be available online from the investor relations page of AtriCure’s corporate Web site at www.atricure.com.
Pre-registration is available for this call at the following URL: https://www.theconferencingservice.com/prereg/key.process?key=PWDMFQ7AJ
Pre-registering is not mandatory but is recommended as it will provide you immediate entry into the call and will facilitate the timely start of the conference. Pre-registration only takes a few moments and you may pre-register at any time, including up to and after the call start time. Alternatively, if you prefer being placed into the call by an operator, please call (888) 713- 4209 for domestic callers and (617) 213-4863 for international callers at least 15 minutes prior to the call start time and use reservation number 35544301.
The Web cast will remain available on AtriCure’s Web site through September 9, 2007. A telephonic replay of the call will also be available until September 9, 2007. The replay dial-in numbers are (888) 286-8010 for domestic callers and (617) 801-6888 for international callers. Please use reservation code 11864110.
About AtriCure, Inc.
AtriCure, Inc. is a medical device company focused on developing, manufacturing and selling innovative cardiac surgical devices designed to create precise lesions, or scars, in soft and cardiac tissues. Medical journals have described the adoption by leading cardiothoracic surgeons of the AtriCure Isolator(R) bipolar ablation clamps as a treatment alternative during open-heart surgical procedures to create lesions in cardiac, or heart, tissue to block the abnormal electrical impulses that cause atrial fibrillation, or AF, a rapid, irregular quivering of the upper chambers of the heart. Additionally, leading cardiothoracic surgeons have described the AtriCure Isolator(R) bipolar ablation clamps as a promising treatment alternative for patients who may be candidates for sole-therapy minimally invasive procedures. AF affects more than 2.5 million Americans and predisposes them to a five-fold increased risk of stroke.
The FDA has cleared the AtriCure Isolator(R) bipolar ablation system for the ablation, or destruction, of soft tissues in general and cardiac surgical procedures but has not yet cleared or approved the system for the treatment of AF. The FDA has cleared the AtriCure multifunctional bipolar pen for the ablation of cardiac tissue and for temporary pacing, sensing, stimulating and recording during the evaluation of cardiac arrhythmias, but the multifunctional bipolar pen has not been approved for the treatment of AF.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward- looking statements include statements that address activities, events or developments that AtriCure expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future, such as earnings estimates, other predictions of financial performance, launches by AtriCure of new products and market acceptance of AtriCure’s products. Forward-looking statements are based on AtriCure’s experience and perception of current conditions, trends, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate under the circumstances and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond AtriCure’s control. These risks and uncertainties include the rate and degree of market acceptance of AtriCure’s products, AtriCure’s ability to develop and market new and enhanced products, the timing of and ability to obtain and maintain regulatory clearances and approvals for its products, the timing of and ability to obtain reimbursement of procedures utilizing AtriCure’s products, competition from existing and new products and procedures or AtriCure’s ability to effectively react to other risks and uncertainties described from time to time in AtriCure’s SEC filings, such as fluctuation of quarterly financial results, reliance on third party manufacturers and suppliers, litigation (including the purported class action lawsuit) or other proceedings, government regulations and stock price volatility. AtriCure does not guarantee any forward-looking statement, and actual results may differ materially from those projected. AtriCure undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
AtriCure, Inc.
CONTACT: Julie A. Piton, Vice President and Chief of Financial Officer ofAtriCure, Inc., +1-513-755-4561, jpiton@atricure.com
Web site: http://www.atricure.com//