- The Patent and Market appeal court (Patent- och marknadsöverdomstolen) confirmed in its judgment on June 20 C-RAD’s right to the invention named ”Patient Monitoring Radiation Machines”. The company Beamocular had filed suit in November 2014 claiming ownership of one of C-RAD’s patent families.
The dispute relates to the ownership of a patent family (one patent application and one patent) which originates from an invention named ”Patient Monitoring Radiation Machines”, whose inventor Kristofer Maad, via the company Beamocular, to which he transferred his right to claim ownership, claimed that the invention was neither owned by C-RAD nor had been transferred to C-RAD. Kristofer Maad was previously employed at C-RAD but resigned from the company in September 2014.
Previously the Patent and Market court (Patent- och marknadsdomstolen) ruled in the same way in a judgment dated October 27, 2016, wherein C-RAD’s entitlement and ownership of the invention named “Patient Monitoring Radiation Machines” was confirmed.
The Patent and Market appeal court decided that there is no reason to make an exception from the main rule that judgments from the patent and appeal court cannot be appealed. Hence, this judgement may not be appealed.
C-RAD had legal and associated costs of approximately 1065 kSEK related to the case, whereas approximately 904 kSEK had been booked in previous quarters. As the Patent and Market appeal court ruled in C-Rad’s favour, C-RAD shall be reimbursed by Beamocular in full.
C-RAD and Beamocular are also involved in another legal dispute. C-RAD filed a patent entitlement law suit against Beamocular with the Patent and Market Court in Stockholm on May 22, 2017. In this case C-RAD claims the ownership rights of the invention described in the patent application “Ionizing radiation detecting device” from Beamocular. The disputed invention is closely related to the research and development for C-RAD’s imaging and dosimetry detector for which C-RAD Imaging has filed its own patent application in 2013. The detector has not been commercialized yet.
About C-RAD
C-RAD develops innovative solutions for use in advanced radiation therapy. The C-RAD group offers products and solutions for patient positioning, tumor localization and radiation treatment systems. All product development is conducted in three fully owned subsidiaries: C-RAD Positioning AB, C-RAD Imaging AB and C-RAD Innovation AB, all of which are located in Uppsala, Sweden. C-RAD has established three companies for direct sales: C-RAD Inc. in the US, C-RAD GmbH in Germany and C-RAD WOFE in China. Cyrpa International SPRL, a Franco-Belgian laser company, is a wholly owned subsidiary whose operations are integrated. C-RAD AB is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.
For more information on C-RAD, please visit www.c-rad.com
For further information:
Tim Thurn, CEO C-RAD AB, Phone +46-18-666930, Email investors@c-rad.com
The above information is price-sensitive and must therefore be disclosed under the Securities Market Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication at 12:30 CEST on June 20, 2017.