Advanced ICU Care, the nation’s leading provider of high-acuity tele-ICU and monitoring services, has been honored by MedTech Breakthrough with recognition for offering the “Best Remote Patient Monitoring Solution”.
ST. LOUIS, May 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced ICU Care, the nation’s leading provider of high-acuity tele-ICU and monitoring services, has been honored by MedTech Breakthrough with recognition for offering the “Best Remote Patient Monitoring Solution”. MedTech Breakthrough is an independent market intelligence organization that recognizes the top companies and solutions in the global health and medical technology market through its annual awards program. Advanced ICU Care was selected as a 2020 winner for its Remote Cardiac Telemetry program for hospitals and health systems. Advanced ICU Care’s remote cardiac telemetry services aids its partner hospitals by eliminating many of the challenges traditionally associated with maintaining a dedicated 24 x 7 internal telemetry program. The company’s remote telemetry program utilizes certified telemetry technicians independently managed outside of the hospital to provide real-time monitoring, interpretation, and recognition of cardiac waveform changes for immediate notification to the appropriate hospital nurse or physician. The telemetry service offering minimizes alarm fatigue within the hospital and reduces significant burdens and distractions for hospital resources so bedside teams can focus on delivering patient care. “Heart disease is the most common chronic disease in the U.S. and remains the leading cause of death for both men and women, making the necessity to provide accurate and timely cardiac monitoring more vital than ever for at-risk hospitalized patients,” said James Johnson, managing director, MedTech Breakthrough. “Advanced ICU Care was selected as a MedTech Breakthrough Award winner for its exceptional remote cardiac telemetry service. This experienced telemedicine solutions provider is enhancing how cardiac surveillance is approached and facilitating the care delivery process to make effective cardiac telemetry available to a full range of hospitals and ultimately help save patient lives.” The MedTech Breakthrough Awards program evaluates of the digital health and medical technology industry landscape each year with the aim of selecting and highlighting the “breakthrough” solutions and companies at the forefront of innovation. This year’s program attracted more than 3,750 nominations from all over the world. “Advanced ICU Care is honored to be recognized with the MedTech Breakthrough Award for ‘Best Remote Patient Monitoring Solution’. Our remote cardiac telemetry service offering monitors at-risk cardiac patients throughout the hospital and frees clinical staff to focus on patient care,” said Lou Silverman, Chief Executive Officer of Advanced ICU Care. “As an organization, our commitment to providing the highest level of service to our hospital partners and care to our shared patients is strongly supported by our ongoing innovation and service delivery.” Advanced ICU Care has successfully implemented and managed more high-acuity telemedicine programs than any other organization. With a team of U.S. board-certified clinicians that deliver the gold standard in ICU care and certified technicians that conduct high-acuity monitoring, the company is well suited to address the critical care and monitoring needs of both health systems and individual hospitals nationwide. About Advanced ICU Care About MedTech Breakthrough
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