The University of Fredericton is proud to announce a new partnership with the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies, through which the University and the CIESS will be providing fully-online occupational health and safety education to 38 member countries.
FREDERICTON, March 21, 2019 /CNW/ - The University of Fredericton (UFred) is proud to announce a new partnership with the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies (CIESS), through which the University and the CIESS will be providing fully-online occupational health and safety (OHS) education to 38 member countries.
“Since the signing of the Singapore Accord in 2018, the University of Fredericton has been actively engaging with OHS and business professionals around the world to create avenues through which OHS education can be delivered to those who need it most,” said UFred President Mr. Don Roy. “We are extremely excited about this partnership and the opportunities that will be created through it for professionals across the Americas.”
The CIESS, an organization born out of the Inter-American Conference on Social Security and supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO), was founded with the goal of addressing the training and preparation needs for professionals in the Americas working towards augmenting the social security of their countries. The CIESS already provides a range of in-person academic programs related to health and safety and social security, but the partnership with UFred now offers a unique opportunity to reach more professionals through the fully-online format of the course offerings.
The CIESS Director Mr. Reginald Thomas noted that the occasion for the Center represents the strengthening of specialized offerings to member countries and is a direct approach being used to provide solutions in response to the needs and challenges as expressed by the members. He further stated that the occasion was aligned with the strategic partnership initiative outlined in the institutions strategic plan of 2019 - 2021, which seeks to bolster its capacity to fully and adequately meet the training, teaching and research needs of the membership, as well as the entities that make up the social security systems of the American continent.
UFred President Mr. Don Roy and Vice President of Academics Dr. Sheri McKillop were onsite in Mexico City for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations on March 20, 2019. The signing came directly on the heels of the celebration of the 56th Anniversary of the CIESS, which was celebrated in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the ILO.
“We’re proud to partner with institutions across the globe that share UFred’s passion for improving workplace safety,” said Dr. McKillop, “We look forward to combining our OHS educational expertise with the mandate of the CIESS in order to make education more accessible to those in need.”
The University will first offer each of its Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace programs to the CIESS constituents, as well as its programs in Ergonomics. Roy says he hopes this is “the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship for both organizations, and for students and professionals across South America, Central America, and North America alike.”
For more information on the UFred psychological health and safety programs, visit here.
For more information on the UFred Ergonomics programs, visit here.
The University of Fredericton (UFred) is a fully online University based out of Fredericton, NB. UFred is home to a range of OHS diplomas, certificates, and continuing education modules, as well as a Centre for Psychological Health Studies and an Executive MBA with a specialty stream in Health and Safety Leadership. Visit to learn more.
The CIESS is an academic forum, founded in 1963 where, within a framework of trust and respect for aspirations, the social security systems of the Americas are analyzed so as to have elements to guide and advise decision-makers at the national level. Our mission at CIESS is to provide a solid foundation, with professionalism and efficiency for the strengthening of social security institutions in the Americas through the training of highly qualified human resources, research, as well as the dissemination and implementation of assistance programs. Visit to learn more.
SOURCE University of Fredericton