ClearUP, a first-in-class bioelectronic treatment, received 510(k) clearance from the FDA earlier this month.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Tivic Health’s™ first product, ClearUP™ Sinus Pain Relief, received two awards at CES 2019: Best of CES from Gear Diary and Top Picks of CES from Techlicious. Introduced last week at CES, ClearUP uses gentle microcurrent waveforms to provide sinus pain relief to the 40 to 60 million Americans who suffer from allergic rhinitis, (hay fever). ClearUP, a first-in-class bioelectronic treatment, received 510(k) clearance from the FDA earlier this month. A small, handheld device ClearUP easily glides along the outside of the nasal passages -- the cheek, nose and brow bone -- to deliver low current electrical waveforms that stimulate the nerves under the skin to help relieve sinus pain. Its state-of-the-art technology measures the user’s unique skin properties to target the optimal treatment points. “We are honored that ClearUP Sinus Pain Relief received a Best of CES Award from Gear Diary and Top Picks of CES Award from Techlicious and proud to be included among so many innovative companies at CES,” said Jennifer Ernst, CEO of Tivic Health. “There were a number of CES attendees suffering from allergies who administered a full treatment. As a clinician, I was pleased to see immediate results in improving breathing and relieving their sinus pain in just five minutes,” said Subinoy Das, MD and CEO, US Institute for Advanced Sinus Care and Research. About ClearUP Sinus Pain Relief ClearUP is intended for adults only, 18+ years of age, and can be used whenever needed, up to four times a day. Each treatment session takes five minutes. ClearUP is reusable and rechargeable, and can be used at work, home or while traveling. ClearUP will be available by mid-2019 and priced at $149. About Tivic Health Systems Inc. Media Contact:
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