The MagMAX Viral/Pathogen Ultra Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit is a new automation-ready kit for scalable recovery of RNA and DNA from difficult to lyse microorganisms. The kit includes a proprietary enzyme mix that allows lysis and nucleic acid recovery from the toughest pathogens, including gram-positive bacteria, yeast and fungi. Building on the strengths of its predecessors, the new MagMAX Viral/Pathogen kit uses magnetic-bead technology to ensure reproducible recovery of high-quality nucleic acids compatible with a broad range of applications. These include real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), digital PCR and next-generation sequencing. “We are eager to work closely with the pathogen detection community and bring them a new solution using our MagMAX technology,” said Bob Setterquist, leader of research and development for sample preparation at Thermo Fisher Scientific. “This latest addition to the MagMAX family of isolation kits offers labs and researchers a unique enzymatic solution that eliminates the need for bead beating in their preparation of pathogen samples. The MagMAX Viral/Pathogen Ultra Kit recovers high-quality nucleic acid from a variety of sample types and enables high-throughput processing when used with KingFisher instruments. We believe this will change the day-to-day sample preparation for pathogen detection while allowing scientists to focus more on the science and less on sample processing.” Key Applications: | DNA and RNA Purification |
Features/Benefits: | - Automation-ready kit optimized for use on Thermo Fisher KingFisher Flex and Duo Prime Instruments
- Accommodates sample volume inputs ranging from 200 µL to 2 mL and elution volumes ranging from 50 µL to 100 µL
- Applicable with blood, urine, swabs, lavage and various transport media such as Universal Viral Transport media, ThinPrep and Eswab Preservative Fluid
- Has been tested on urinary tract microbiota, respiratory tract microbiota and vaginal microbiota TaqMan Microbiota assay panels