The Day In Review: A Subdued Gain For Biotech

May 19, 2005 -- After three days of solid gains, the stock market dithered through much of the session today, finally getting some legs during the final hour, though the gains were less than earlier in the week. The Centient Biotech 200 closed more than 15 points higher at 3330.60, a .46% increase. The S&P 500 moved up .47% and Nasdaq gained .59%. South Korean scientists have refined methods for using therapeutic cloning to create stem cells, which sent the prices of stem cell stocks higher, Able Labs saw its stock decimated after it stopped shipping all drugs because of a manufacturing problem, Cyberonics fell after the Senate decided to investigate FDA approval of its device for refractory depression, Threshold had more good news from its drug for enlarged prostate, Carrington said its nasal vaccine worked in a Phase I test, AstraZeneca won FDA approval for a cardiac drug, Chiron licensed its hepatitis C work to Enanta, and Merck has additional good results of its human papillomavirus vaccine. More details...