Texas Back Institute Leads Way in New Facet Joint Clinical Trial TBI is First and Only Participant in Texas for TFAS Spinal Implant

PLANO, Texas, Nov. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Texas Back Institute is leading the way again in motion preserving technology by continuing to advance spinal device studies with a clinical trial of the Total Facet Arthroplasty System (TFAS)(R).

Dr. Barton Sachs of Texas Back Institute performed the TFAS procedure on Ron Kaipus in September 2006. The Richardson, Texas resident was one of the first 40 people worldwide to receive TFAS. He is now back on the golf course and enjoying his life to the fullest. At age 67, he doesn’t miss a beat and is grateful for being virtually pain-free. “I’m back to my old self,” said Kaipus. “It truly gave me my life back. I’m so thankful I was able to be a part of the trial.”

TFAS is a spinal implant intended for the treatment of patients with chronic leg and/or back pain caused by spinal stenosis. It’s part of a category of treatment devices intended to stabilize affected spinal joints while preserving the natural motion of the spine.

“It’s a great device because it frees up the nerves and spinal cord, eliminates the excess bone growth and maintains natural motion,” said Dr. Sachs. “Patients are recovering quickly and we’ve seen excellent results so far. We’re excited about the future of the trial.”

There are openings within the clinical trial and Dr. Sachs explained that patients affected with spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis should investigate this unique opportunity with Texas Back Institute.

Texas Back Institute is no stranger to motion preservation spinal technology. It pioneered the artificial disc replacement procedure in 2000 and is furthering the practice by helping with the FDA trial of TFAS and other clinical trials.

About TFAS

TFAS(R) is used to treat spinal stenosis, which is the degenerative narrowing of the spaces in the spine that can lead to spinal cord or nerve root compression and causes the pain. The device has the potential to stabilize the affected vertebrae without rigidly fusing the joint or removing the intervertebral disc, allowing the patient to maintain a quality of motion similar to the patient’s natural range of motion before stenosis. The TFAS surgical procedure includes removal of the degenerative bone and/or tissue that compresses the spinal cord and nerve roots that are causing lower back and leg pain. Specifically, TFAS replaces the degenerated facet joints with an implant that is affixed to the affected vertebrae and designed to restore the natural motion of the surgically removed facet joints and spinal ligaments.

About Texas Back Institute

Texas Back Institute, one of the largest freestanding spine multispecialty clinics in the United States, was established in 1978 and provides comprehensive medical care for back and neck pain. Texas Back Institute is a back care leader specializing in spinal arthroplasty, minimally invasive spine surgery, spinal deformation and spinal oncology care. As an academic health care organization, Texas Back Institute has trained hundreds of physicians, scientists and allied health professionals. Its research institution employs state-of-the-art technology and is involved in the most clinical trials, including artificial discs. Texas Back Institute’s professional staff includes board-certified spine surgeons, general surgeons, internists, chiropractors, physiatrists, pain specialists, exercise physiologists, and a team of physical and occupational therapists. Texas Back Institute’s main clinic is in Plano, with locations in Denton, Fort Worth, Greenville, McKinney, Rockwall, Trophy Club and Wichita Falls, Texas, and Phoenix, Arizona. For more information, visit http://www.texasback.com.

CONTACT: Katherine Teel, +1-214-891-2923, katherine_teel@richards.com, or
Jennifer Munoz, +1-214-891-5039, jennifer_munoz@richards.com, both of
Richards Partners, for Texas Back Institute